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Best, Tastiest Wild-Caught Canned Salmon??

Hi, my dh and I are not big salmon lovers, but every once in a while I'll make salmon patties -- yeah, the onion,celery, egg, cracker or bread crumbs and lemon make a difference to us -- so WHAT IS THE TASTIEST CANNED WILD-CAUGHT SALMON  that you've found? (BTW, we don't go to Costco but live near Publix and Kroger.)



-Solar Smiley Happy

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Re: Best, Tastiest Wild-Caught Canned Salmon??

Costco Kirkland.

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Re: Best, Tastiest Wild-Caught Canned Salmon??

I've eaten canned salmon my whole life, always different brands.  It all tastes the same to me with none being the best.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: Best, Tastiest Wild-Caught Canned Salmon??

Bumble Bee or the brand that Trader Joes sells, cant remember the name. We make salmon burgers all the time. 

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Re: Best, Tastiest Wild-Caught Canned Salmon??

@Solar Is My Name wrote:

Hi, my dh and I are not big salmon lovers, but every once in a while I'll make salmon patties -- yeah, the onion,celery, egg, cracker or bread crumbs and lemon make a difference to us -- so WHAT IS THE TASTIEST CANNED WILD-CAUGHT SALMON  that you've found? (BTW, we don't go to Costco but live near Publix and Kroger.)



-Solar Smiley Happy



@Solar Is My Name 


Define "tastiest" please.   


I think it all depends on the seasonings you add, and whether you prefer PINK or RED canned salmon.  


I've tried many pink salmon brands and IMO they all taste the same until you add your seasonings.  


Note to anyone ---- if you prefer the red salmon, please tell me why.  I always thought red had a stronger fishy taste, but would love some feedback from others.



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Re: Best, Tastiest Wild-Caught Canned Salmon??

[ Edited ]

I like Pillar Rock  red salmon but I'm not sure if it is wild caught.

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Re: Best, Tastiest Wild-Caught Canned Salmon??

@Solar Is My Name      I grew up eating salmon patties on Fridays because of the fish on Friday rule for Catholics back in the day.  I prefer canned red salmon to pink salmon for patties. To me it has a better flavor and red salmon is supposed to have more Omega 3 fatty acids than the pink. But really canned pink salmon just reminds me too much of cat food. Canned salmon patties and grits were a staple in my house on Fridays. I still love them.  

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Re: Best, Tastiest Wild-Caught Canned Salmon??

Red salmon is usually a higher fat content and it is rare to find it canned. Sockeyes are also called reds. Pink salmon is a lower grade and the one that is usually canned or processed for salmon patties etc. I buy only wild red aka sockeye.
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Re: Best, Tastiest Wild-Caught Canned Salmon??

@piperbay wrote:

I like Pillar Rock  red salmon but I'm not sure if it is wild caught.

My Mom bought Pillar Rock back in the 70's, and 80's not seen it in years. 

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Re: Best, Tastiest Wild-Caught Canned Salmon??

@Solar Is My Name 


Hi.  I choose to buy sustainable salmon caught in the Pacific Northwest.  Most will post that info on the can.  I personally prefer St. Jeans. It is skinless, boneless and does not contain added oil or water.   


Everyone's palette is different and the additions to the salmon make a difference in taste, but I feel good about what I use.