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Re: Barefoot Contessa faux pas

I'm sure Ina's producers spoke with her about the miscue when cameras were turned off.

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Re: Barefoot Contessa faux pas

Yesterday on the Today Show, Willy Guist helped mix up a meatloaf mixture with his hands and then just wiped his hands off on a towel (it looked like a regular kitchen towel, not a wet wipe type with cleaner on it). That looked just gross. How can you not want to wash your hands with soap & water after handling raw meat?

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Re: Barefoot Contessa faux pas

On 4/9/2015 snickster said:
On 4/8/2015 Sooner said:

That Farmhouse Rules woman is REALLY nasty. I saw her drink out of a ladle recently then dip it back in, and she's making food with her hands and licking her fingers. Ewwwwww!

She is one I won't watch, can't stand anything about her. JMO.

I agree--- even her voice is a turn-off to me.

Bacteria does not grow in salt so "double dipping " is really a non-issue. What I don't understand is RR taking all the right steps but then uses tongs to touch the raw chicken and hangs them on the oven door......

I am with the poster who commented about our Grandmothers....I use common sense precautions but don't go overboard.......I do use disposable gloves for all food handling though.

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Re: Barefoot Contessa faux pas

I agree with Sidsmom..?This is a cooking show not a food safety presentation.
Posts: 57
Registered: ‎03-25-2015

Re: Barefoot Contessa faux pas

She could have mentioned that it was clean or something like that. There is no reason to show the cleaning itself. A quick comment to remind people is a good idea because you would be surprised how many ignorant people there are out there.

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Re: Barefoot Contessa faux pas

I've watched Ina for years, she is nominated for a James Beard award this year (she won last year) for best TV cooking show host. I don't watch her for lectures on germs. It's common sense and she gives her audience credit for having that. The one that grosses me out is Pioneer Woman with her kids "helping" her without washing their hands..her show is so staged and fake.
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Re: Barefoot Contessa faux pas

Salmonella and listeria in chicken are on the rise. A very high percentage of chicken sold in this country has salmonella in it when you buy it. I have read anywhere from a third to around half, depending on whether its whole chicken or parts. Proper cooking techniques are a must to save your family from a serious bout of food poisoning. Consumer Reports has been working on this problem with the various government agencies for years.

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Re: Barefoot Contessa faux pas

Is it that you expect her to take the board over to the sink and give it a good scrub while the cameras are running? If so, I just don't think they're going to waste program time on that.

Also, I've been doing my own cooking since I was 19 (am 67 now) and have used many a WOODEN cutting board when processing chicken. I always - always - soaped the heck out of that board. No one EVER got sick eating one of my meals.

However, my husband and I can claim to have had salmonella one Halloween when we traveled back to Michigan for a week to spend time with relatives we hadn't seen in ages. To celebrate Halloween, everyone gathered at a huge cabin built on the lake by one of my Aunts and Uncles. We had a great time! At one point in the evening, I asked my Aunt if she had anything besides Kool-Aid to drink as DH and I don't drink it, so she went into the frig and reached in for a quart bottle of water. This is quite common on farms - to keep cold water in a glass bottle in the frig. Anyway, she handed DH the bottle, then he hands me the bottle. As I'm drinking, I notice that the water is cloudy, so I stop drinking and ask my Aunt where she got the water. "From the lake," she says. OMG!!! Both DH and I became so sick with salmonella I cannot begin to tell you. We both ended up on 5 different pills and 7 different liquid medications. I could have throttled my Aunt. Never been so sick in my life. We were ill for 3 weeks.

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Re: Barefoot Contessa faux pas

On 4/9/2015 PeterDM said: Something that the OP mentioned that was the REAL faux pas was the fact that the cutting board used was wood, and that's a no-no for chicken.

This is actually untrue. Google "antibacterial properties of wooden cutting boards."

~ "Everything faded into mist. The past was erased, the erasure was forgotten, the lie became truth." ~ George Orwell, 1984
Posts: 59
Registered: ‎03-28-2015

Re: Barefoot Contessa faux pas

On 4/9/2015 Bichongal1 said: I've watched Ina for years, she is nominated for a James Beard award this year (she won last year) for best TV cooking show host. I don't watch her for lectures on germs. It's common sense and she gives her audience credit for having that. The one that grosses me out is Pioneer Woman with her kids "helping" her without washing their hands..her show is so staged and fake.

Total turn-off.