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Re: Are Cooks Essential Pans worth it in the long end?

I need new pans.   It won't be CE.   I inherited my mom's pans, I don't like them.

I'm curious about the Thermo-spot or red dot T-fal which is what they use on Cooks Country.




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Re: Are Cooks Essential Pans worth it in the long end?

I'll just say that I'm glad the ones I have were from a number of years ago.   They made good quality at that time.   I cannot speak to what they are selling now except that they don't look as quality as the older ones.


One of the best lines they came out with, after the 18/10 stainless tri-ply base ones, was the Technique Hard Anodized II line.    Those were top quality.  Then it didn't take long to dumb down the quality.   I guess the people they are appealing to won't wash a pan and won't pay for quality, and they had to go with cheaper, thinner stuff AND tell people to put them in the dishwasher.  ugh  (PS:  nonstick is not dishwasher safe)


Now it's either the dumbed down hard anodized or the hardcoat enamel aluminum (cheapest quality you can buy), and nothing of quality in their in-house brand anymore.    It's a shame that cheap sells before quality, but there you have it.


One line of HA that I have liked is the Unison line of Calphalon.  All-Clad is also an outstanding brand.

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Re: Are Cooks Essential Pans worth it in the long end?

@software  This fall we threw away all our cooks essentials - hated them and I bought the green ceramic pans from Greenlife. They are fabulous - ceramic nonstick instead of teflon, cook nice and even, can put in the oven because the stay cool handles are silicone and I throw them in the Dishwasher - no problems and they come out perfectly clean. They are pretty too -mint green outside and ivory interior. We got them for our camp first - got them at Walmart then when we got them for here we went with Amazon. YEP, they are so good we bought them twice.

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C.E.Re: Are Cooks Essential Pans worth it in the long end?

The C.E. set I purchased two years ago for right around $70.00 works perfectly and it easily release an egg, pancake or other delicate things w/o the need to butter up the pan. Coincidentally enough this set replaced a hodge podge of Greenpans from Target which were purchased for the high heat durability. A week after owning them I couldn't make an egg w/o a pat of butter. Unacceptable.

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Re: Are Cooks Essential Pans worth it in the long end?

@Abrowneyegirl wrote:

I have an OLD set of Cooks Essentials hard anodized cookware set- it is 15+ years old.  It is still going strong!! I would buy the set again if they still made it.  I think back then Calphalon made their cookware.

I cook A LOT, meals from scratch 5-6 days a week, plus breakfast and lunch.  I do NOT ever put them in the dishwasher as per the instructions, but I do use metal utensils and the finish has NEVER flaked or peeled.

I miss this type of quality.  Every pan I buy to add to my collection has to be thrown out inside of 1 year!!  I do not mind spending a lot of money on pots and pans because I use them daily- but when the handles get loose or the finish deteriorates I get annoyed.

I have that same set and they have held up really well...not colorful, or fancy...but real workhorses...

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Re: Are Cooks Essential Pans worth it in the long end?

I purchased a number of different sets and pieces of CE but well over a decade ago.


Every single piece has failed over time. At first, I got them warranted, but I had to pay to ship them back, and when they sent replacements, they didn't have the same sets anymore that I had purchased, so my nice sets of matching pans was then a mix matched mess. 


I had some stainless steel sets, some enamel and some bakeware (which was actually better than the cookware), but never had their hard anodized.


I decided it wasn't worth it , and since then, I simply throw away what CE I have left when it is beyond safe to use, and have moved on to Calphalon skillets from TJ maxx, and gone back to my vintage Revere Ware and Farberware. 



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Re: Are Cooks Essential Pans worth it in the long end?

Thank you all for your replies to my post. Have pretty made up my mind to get rid of these pans once and forever.


I did check out the 'curtis stone pans, they only have a year warranty on the set I looked at, I know that there are pans available in retail that have better warranties. Time to do some shopping I guess!


Again, I appreciate all of your feedback, it was very helpful

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Re: Are Cooks Essential Pans worth it in the long end?

@CinNC wrote:

I have never bought a full set of cookware - I was given one by my mother when I was married years ago. 


Have purchased several items on sale at QVC which I have loved ....a few less expensive items at TJMaxx and Ross.  Then I bought my first really good, pricey pan at Sur La Table at holiday time..a ScanPan everyday pan. The quality has blown me away compared to the other items I've had. But I'm so frugal it remains to be seen if I will buy more. 


It depends on your cooking style, etc....whether to want to keep on with the Cooks Essentials. 

I've got some old CE hard anodized that are still going strong. I have had to replace some of my lighter weight CE's and have started replacing them with ScanPan from Sur La Table. They're pricey, but are holding up pretty well (I use them almost everyday). I try to wait for a sale or other promotion before I buy them.