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Re: 1st summer of my life - had no sweet corn!

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Do you really find it difficult to cook an ear of corn?


Very easy to microwave, leave the husk on, cook on high about 4 minutes or so (depending on the ear and your preference), lay the corn on a cutting board and cut off the bottom (the end without the silks) a couple of inches - squeeze and the corn slides out nice and clean leaving the husk and silks behind. 


Then you can trim the other end  a bit if needed.  Saw this on You Tube, didn't tell my husband I was microwaving the corn, he said "best corn I have ever eaten"  - and no watery mess.   Check it out and enjoy !

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Re: 1st summer of my life - had no sweet corn!

@minkbunny   No it's not difficult, I never said it was. I can manage to boil water and use a microwave.  I am used to cooking corn  for 3 or 4 people. I said I hate dealing with the mess of husks, silk and the cobs after eating for 1 person.

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Re: 1st summer of my life - had no sweet corn!

@CrazyKittyLvr2 wrote:Smiley Happy

@minkbunny   No it's not difficult, I never said it was. I can manage to boil water and use a microwave.  I am used to cooking corn  for 3 or 4 people. I said I hate dealing with the mess of husks, silk and the cobs after eating for 1 person.

@CrazyKittyLvr2    I am sorry for my choice of words.  I honestly  couldn't remember exactly what words you used.


I should have said,  If you are really bothered by the mess, etc.Smiley Happy



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Re: 1st summer of my life - had no sweet corn!

I look forward to fresh white corn on the cob.  I don't think hubby is a huge fan, but at least he doesn't complain.  I soak min in water with the husks on, dump the water, and cook with plastic wrap covering in the microwave. I think it's like 7 minutes for 2 ears.  Cut off the end and squeeze the cob out from the tip.  Silks come off with the husks.  

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Re: 1st summer of my life - had no sweet corn!

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@IamMrsG wrote:

@Mj12    Good morning.  I read that you were going to follow the You Tube video I recommended.  If you did, I'm interested to hear how it turned out for you.  

It is incredible @IamMrsG ! It worked perfectly, absolutely not one silk on the cob. My husband was also shocked how well it worked - we tried individual ears of corn and also 2 at a time - same results. I sent the video to several friends. Thank you so much for posting Ken’s short video! 

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Re: 1st summer of my life - had no sweet corn!

I'm so glad to 'hear' your results were as good as mine have been.  Thank you for letting me know, @Mj12 .  I've never had it let me down, and I've been following this simple method for a few years.  

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Re: 1st summer of my life - had no sweet corn!

Corn on the cob with butter and salt is one of my very favorite things yet I haven't had any this summer.   I have a permanent 4 tooth upper bridge and one is loose.   I'm terrified of biting into the corn and the whole thing coming out.   I'm making an appt with a dental specialist this week.   Hopefully, it will all be OK and I can have some corn before the season is over.

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Re: 1st summer of my life - had no sweet corn!

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I've been eating corn on the cob as long as I can remember. DH is from a dairy farm, so he was used to picking it for his mom to cook. I went through the "braces" years with kids, so I had to strip theirs; one year I had a root canal on my front tooth so I couldn't eat it on the cob either. 


I have a friend who owns a farm. They used to sell it there, but the kids are in their 20's now and not around, and she hasn't done it for 2 years. I do buy mine from a local farm market - we like the white corn.


We have it every week. Here it's still pretty sweet. What we have left I strip with my handy, dandy Kuhn Rikon corn stripper (K46688 (but I don't have the holders)) - so easy and has never failed me! I cook it the old-fashioned way by boiling it, then covering it so it steams some. DS won't eat it unless it's grilled; he's used to "street corn" now! 


@CrazyKittyLvr2 - I too think you should fix one or two ears in memory of your DH, especially since he enjoyed it so much.