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Registered: ‎01-22-2016
Honestly! JR clearance again. 😒
Esteemed Contributor
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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Clearance is a term Q uses very loosely.

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Registered: ‎01-22-2013

This is just another month of clearance for all of the Q.   Per many hosts they are cleaning out the wearhouse to make room for fall items which start in July.  The brick and mortar are doing the same thing.  Ex. In Sept or Oct they will have sales and bring in winter clothes.  When we want a winter coat all will be selling bathing suits.

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Posts: 4,407
Registered: ‎03-11-2010

I think QVC likes to have Judith because she sells a lot of stuff.  

Honored Contributor
Posts: 11,447
Registered: ‎01-22-2016

If Judith sells so much, Why does Qvc still have to show the same clearance? Same sale products online not moving. Frankly! JR's line isn't the same quality it used to be. Prices for Clad and CZ! Imho, Ridiculous.

Respected Contributor
Posts: 4,407
Registered: ‎03-11-2010

I still think Ripka is probably the best selling jewelry line on the Q.  She has more shows since she sold her company to Xcel brands.  Since part of her deal is a percentage of sales plus she owns a ton of company stock,  I suspect she likes having additional all of the additional shows.