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Registered: ‎07-31-2011

not a Robert manse fan. purchased his cuff, couldn't wait to send back. could barely see the gold butterfly, give me Sam b and jai anytime. have it all over manse designs

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@willomenia I have several of Robert's cuffs and they have exactly the amount of gold that they appear to have when presented.  Several have substantial amounts of gold and I wear them a lot mixed with my David Yurman jewelry.  I think the pieces are beautriful, well made and I have worn them for years and they have held up.  I also wear Sam B and Jai pieces so I can compare what I have actually bought and worn.  Sorry your purchase disappointed you.

If my dog doesn't like you, neither do I.
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Sorry you didn't have a nice experience with Robert Manse.  He has some beautiful pieces of which I own many.  I've been happy with all of mine.  He was on HSN for many years and his prices were way more reasonable than Jai is.  I can't comment on the Q's pricing of his line as I haven't looked at it at all.

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I have some Robert Manse I like a lot but some is obviously made to sell at a lower price so you must shop carefully. 


Wouldn't care if Jai dropped off the face of the earth.  I don't care for it and am disturbed by reports of poor workmanship. 

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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I like some of the Manse pieces.  Not sure if I'll be buying anything, since I don't need any more jewelry. However, I don't care for the JAI line or Scott, so I don't buy anything from that line.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

I love gold and silver mixed together and have pieces from Robert Manse, Jai & Samuel Benham.  To be fair there are pieces from each of those lines I've kept and some from each line I've sent back.  Sometimes things just don't meet your expectations in person no matter how good the video presentation is.  However I can also state the pieces I've kept wear like iron and they all get worn frequently!