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Seeing a lot of kunzite on GeV site however I always thought the stone wasn't worth the trouble because it fades in sunlight. 


wondering for those of you who own kunzites what do you do to baby them?  I have never purchased one because of concern it'll fade to a colorless gem in no time.

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Re: how does kunzite hold up?

I've looked at kunzite often becauee I like the pink stones. My understanding is that it can switch to a lavender purple in the sunlight. I think a lot of it has to do with the cut of the stone and quality. If I remember correctly ---it is lower on the mose scale  (5 or 6) so you have to be a bit careful. I'm tought on my jewelry so I took it off my list. 

You might consider asking Peyton Kelly on his facebook page. It takes a few days but he does answer with the information.  

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Re: how does kunzite hold up?

I prefer Kunzite over Morganite. Kunzite has a little more color to it. You have to spend big bucks to find a decent morganite. If you get a half decent kunzite, it'll last for a loooong time. I have a couple of pieces that are going on 20 years old and they look like new.

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Re: how does kunzite hold up?

From the GIA:


"Kunzite rates 6.5 to 7 on the Mohs hardness scale. Its toughness rating is poor due to its cleavage. High heat or sudden temperature changes can cause breaks in kunzite. The gem's color can fade with prolonged exposure to heat or intense light."
I don't own any Kunzite but I found that Rose De France amethyst looks like gem-quality Kunzite and you can get it in large karat weights at reasonable prices, some set in gold. 
There are many gems that can fade when exposed to sunlight including amethyst.. You just have to be careful about that.
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Re: how does kunzite hold up?

[ Edited ]

@Sugipine  @magpie maggie   I agree with your assessment. It's rather fragile when used in a ring or bracelet where the stone(s) can hit against surfaces. If the stone is set in earrings or a necklace it should be fine, but kept away from any perfumes or lotions since it must be cleaned without soapy water and only a very soft cloth.


I've hesitated to use it when making jewelry despite it's beautiful pale pink to lavendar color choices. Morganite is similar in color and Ithink, it's almost 8 on the mohs scale which makes it a stronger stone.

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Re: how does kunzite hold up?

The fading is more of a problem with the gem stone.  I don't have one, but my sister did.  Within a few years it faded really badly.  But she wore it a lot.  If you get one, try not wear it everyday.  I put this stone up with Morganite.  Just not enough color to sustain over the years. Also it's a big face stone (like Emeriald, Morganite, etc.) and it's not very durable.  I guess that's why I love Sapphires.  It lasts and lasts.

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Re: how does kunzite hold up?

[ Edited ]

It changes color when left in the light. 

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Re: how does kunzite hold up?

The gemologist I worked with had a beautiful handmade kunzite pendant.  She said kunzite is called the "Dracula Stone" and will fade out permanently if exposed to a lot of light.

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Re: how does kunzite hold up?

@ECBG   Yes.  I had to take colored gemstone training as well as diamond study while I worked for a high end jewelry store.  Kunzite is sometimes refered to as the "evening stone" as it might fade  if exposed to bright sunlight over a long period of time.  It doesn't mean it shouldn't be worn - it's just not a gem I would wear as an everday ring.


Morganite is a beryl - like emerald - also not the hardest of gemstones but does not have the same fading characteristic as the kunzite.


Both gemstones are exquisite and in my opinion so feminine and pretty in color.

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Re: how does kunzite hold up?



The handmade pendant my gemologist had was absolutely stunning!  Her DH who was also a gemologist, (he had passed at an earlier age), had made it for her.


She had several one of a kind pieces.