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Posts: 2,186
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Good afternoon and happy Sunday to us all.

The sun is playing peek-a-boo and the temps are staying below 70. Sounds about right for almost October.

I find it hard to believe that a second weekend has come and I've posted but this one time. If the world could take it, I need to clone myself so that the chores gets done more quickly and I have more time for "white space."

Beginning Friday when the baby was picked up I changed my entire bed clothes, washing everything from pillow covers to bedspread/quilt. This was after I cleaned up in the kitchen and FR after the baby. Saturday was time to change clothes meaning that things had to be schleped from the basement cedar closet to our bedroom closet, a horrible task for which I use my husband as a pack mule. In between the changing of the clothes stuff, I did laundry, cleaned around the house and saw two of my grands soccer game, during which time DBGD found time to play with me. In between I've been working on a special event. Today was two soccer games again, stopping at the store for a few things and then back home to eat lunch at about 2:30 with the Sunday papers still sitting there unread. I doubt that I'll be able to dig into the posts to see what's doing. Sigh.

But somehow I forget about all the aforementioned stuff when out of the blue DBGD comes over to plant a big kiss on me. Leaves and then comes back to hug me as well. Okay. I admit it. I am putty in her presence.

By the way, the DBGD is using more words and is beginning to put them together in sentence form. However, she gets results also from the good old fashioned moaning too.

Gotta go and get the laundry folded and put away.

Hope everyone is well.

Make it a great day!