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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Yo! - 9/2/12 - VJ Day, 1945 - Japan surrendered in WWII

Good morning and happy Sunday to us all.

Grungy looking day with lower temps. Showers may pop up at any time.

Just to make things interesting around here, because we lead a very dull life, the 50" plasma TV in the FR decided to croak yesterday. There I was, snuggled down on the sofa ready to veg out with the TV. My eyes were closing and I was headed toward la la land. All of a sudden and very loud pop and crackling occurred and the rest has already been stated. With te older TVs some warning was usually given, such as picture fading. But this went from perfection to nothingness. DH is now on the search for a replacement. I told him as long as the TV works, I don't care what he buys and please don't make me shop with him. You see, he LOVES to go shopping for appliances. "Consumer Reports" has been researched and note written down and he's already been to three stores. This must be the equivalent to Stone Age man hunting for food, because he loves the challenge. Me not so much. Now if he were going to jewelry stores that would be a horse of a different color.

DGS & DBGD stopped over for a while yesterday. DGS had gotten me a present of Johnson's caramel popcorn from the shore. This popcorn makes it worthwhile to pour on the calories. So crunchy, salty and sweet - hmmmmmmm! When DGS & I had spoken about his upcoming vacation a few weeks ago I mentioned about my love of this special treat and he remembered. He was beaming as he hopped into the house with his container of popcorn! What a sweetie. DBGD was like a wild woman. After a week down the shore without schedule, she was pumped and cranky. DS said she would nap very long. No, of course not because she had the love of her life, DGS, to play with and he indulges her every whim. DBGD is going to be a trip come Tuesday, and I think DGS wants to hang out here as well. Smiley Happy

Off to read the paper and tea it.

Make it a great day!