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Posts: 2,186
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Good morning and happy Sunday to us all.

Another glorious summer day in my region. I wish I could bottle it to use when there's a foot of snow outside.

My lunch with friends yesterday was just the tonic that I needed to energize me. Isn't it amazing how just being with friends can make you feel so good?

My allergies are still giving me fits, especially my eyes. If I had time now I'd actually go see an allergist and get those skin tests. DTGD is on vacation for two weeks in July so I'll try to schedule the visit then. Although I've had them before, I think the every 55 years or so it may be a good idea to repeat them and see what's doing.

None of my treasures have arrived yet, which is just as well since I wasn't here when the mail came yesterday. Don't want DH to get to those brown envelopes first, do we?

DTGD and her daddy will be here for dinner today. I didn't get my DTGD fix yesterday and really miss her. I suppose I'd better begin to adjust b/c too soon she'll be at nursery school M-F. Sigh. My baby is growing up so fast.

Off to some tea and the paper.

Make it a great week!

Posts: 52
Registered: ‎10-31-2011

It's worth a try, Kaplan, at least to get the allergist's opinion of how you would fare.

I never thought it would make a difference for me (with my lifelong hay fever), but I'm now a believer.

Good luck!

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Posts: 14,000
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

I am so lucky. DH can pick up a pile of mail at the post office box, and totally ignore the fact there are brown envelopes. The other day he said I think your prescriptions showed up.

Posts: 66
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

any pics from your luncheon-want to live vicariously--lol

Posts: 64
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Kappy, I went to a new place that my S-I-L recommended where they do injections. She could not be in my house for more that 10 minutes (cats and dogs) before she started the nose dripping and her eyes swelling and sometimes her throat would start to close. She also had horrid problems outdoors. Now she can go on walks outdoors WITH HER VERY OWN DOG, for the first time in her life. It seems to work on a lot of people. I just have acute sinusitis, not allergies, so my trip to them was not what I expected.{#emotions_dlg.blush} I was looking for a better answer for me.

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Posts: 1,287
Registered: ‎05-16-2013
Hi Kappy, sorry to hear about your allergies. I didn't know I suffered from them until recently. I get the red puffy eyes too. My mother has been helping me with some home remedies. I rinse my eyes in a weak solution of rose water or just plain black tea diluted till very light. It has been helping my eyes. Just take the diluted rose water or tea water in your palm and blink your eyes in it a couple of times. I do it 3-4 times a day. Hope you feel better soon. Happy to know that I am not the only one running to get the brown envelopes to avoid DH seeing them all at once !!!