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With JRT and some jewelry guy-think it was on at 11:00PM EST. Anyway,impossible to watch. Everyone actin' the fool. Could not understand what the heck was going on.

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Re: Watching the jewelry show

 @Group 5 minus 1 

 Of course who know  who had to Host . Well , the pearl guy was putting his hands over his ears every time JRT squealed . She  said she'd shut up and let Payton talk  whicj lasted  a few mins . Then with the JAI  Rep all heck broke loose  he was kissing her on the head and kept going over to the model where  nothing made sense  and there was some inside joke they were laughing abt .....

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Re: Watching the jewelry show

I tuned in briefly, couldn't figure out what was going on, turned the TV off and went to bed. 

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: Watching the jewelry show

I saw the incident and what happened is JT was going to put on one of the pendants from the form display.  She didn't know that the vendor had put all the pendants on one 72 inch silver rope chain on the form.  The chain was wrapped around and looked like separate chains.  


JT grabbed the top "chain" to put on and all the pendants and rest of the one long chain came off in her hand and she broke up laughing.   She didn't know that it was one long chain staggered like layers on the form.  While she had pulled apart the whole display, the vendor went over to the live model and started talking about the product.  JT just lost it.....

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Re: Watching the jewelry show

@Jk9 wrote:

I saw the incident and what happened is JT was going to put on one of the pendants from the form display.  She didn't know that the vendor had put all the pendants on one 72 inch silver rope chain on the form.  The chain was wrapped around and looked like separate chains.  


JT grabbed the top "chain" to put on and all the pendants and rest of the one long chain came off in her hand and she broke up laughing.   She didn't know that it was one long chain staggered like layers on the form.  While she had pulled apart the whole display, the vendor went over to the live model and started talking about the product.  JT just lost it.....

@Jk9 - Thats what I saw on the video too.  Gotta admit it is kind of funny - think I would have started laughing too.  However I probably would not have interrupted the vendor while he was with the model trying to present his jewelry.

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Re: Watching the jewelry show

Yes @JudyL I agree with you.  I think JT had been on the air way too long and that just wasn't a good situation to begin with.  


But seriously, I would have laughed in shock and surprise if I grabbed what looked like one necklace and the whole thing flew off at me.   I bought several of Jai's very long necklaces and they are not standard.  You can wrap them a bunch of times.

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Re: Watching the jewelry show

@Group 5 minus 1 wrote:

With JRT and some jewelry guy-think it was on at 11:00PM EST. Anyway,impossible to watch. Everyone actin' the fool. Could not understand what the heck was going on.

@Group 5 minus 1   She and the other foolishness was the main reason I gave up watching. JT must have a lifetime contract that includes 12 hours of air time every day. Nope, just can't take it. She's moved herself into host and/or co-host to most shows, it seemed.

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Re: Watching the jewelry show

Thank gawd----I didn't watch--actually I never watch JT and haven't for the last 100 years she's been a host---it does seem like it's been that long---

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Re: Watching the jewelry show

Jane is fine. Yes, she had been on for hours, but she gets the job done. She sells successfully. That's why she's got the hours.


And she has enthusiasm for jewelry.


Live television is difficult and stuff happens to veterans and newbies alike.

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Re: Watching the jewelry show

"JT just lost it...."


She does that a lot; she's unwatchable. If she's going to host a show, I change channels or turn the tv off.