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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Sure missing Michael Dawkins today

I miss his presentations and most of all, his designs.  Does anyone else remember the great old days when there were many more designers on and much more affordable pieces?   The price of silver isn't that much higher today I don't think, and I can just imagine QVC is going to be whining not enough sales today (not many sell outs that I've seen), but hey, with very few exceptions, the offerings today are from a handful of designers and are way over the top in price.  I remember folks like Seidengang, of course Michael Dawkins, etc.  The Q always seemed to bring in new designers on this day with innovative and affordable designs, but guess that's gone by the wayside, too, so QVC can "justify" so few jewelry shows.  QVC, we would still buy jewelry if you would bring back more variety at reasonable prices!!!


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Re: Sure missing Michael Dawkins today

@just wonder


I miss the old days too.  Guess Michael wanted to get out of the jewelry business.  I remember Joe Esposito and treasure the couple of pieces I have from him.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Sure missing Michael Dawkins today

[ Edited ]

I agree!  And for the most part, even the OTO's are way outrageously priced.  OTO's used to be a bit more affordable.  I ordered only one item today, and that was a Hagit Gorali ring, mainly because she's my favorite designer and I want to support her as much as I can, before they drop her also!

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Re: Sure missing Michael Dawkins today

I miss Michael Dawkins too! He's my favorite designer. He hasn't had a TSV in years, so I assumed he may be leaving. I know he has been working on his home line.  I still hunt for his items on eBay because I love them so much. I wish he would seeing more for QVC.

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Re: Sure missing Michael Dawkins today

Yes, silver had been down for ages!  Yet they keep trying to tell us it's high.  The prices are ridiculous.  Silver is so low that I won't sell any of mine right now - it's not worth it!