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Sterling silver David Yerman bracelet question

I have an older DY sterling silver bracelet with a little medallion-like thing of 18K gold vermeil (I guess is what you call it) and the gold is wearing thin from rubbing wear (probably my desk).  Is there a way to have that gold replaced?

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Re: Sterling silver David Yerman bracelet question

[ Edited ]

@Nonametoday wrote:

I have an older DY sterling silver bracelet with a little medallion-like thing of 18K gold vermeil (I guess is what you call it) and the gold is wearing thin from rubbing wear (probably my desk).  Is there a way to have that gold replaced?

I always thought his prices used real 18k gold and not vermeil?  Take it to a reputable jeweler and see what they say.  I know mine added rhodium plating to a yellow gold sapphire ring of mine to match my platinum wedding set. 

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Re: Sterling silver David Yerman bracelet question

There are many websites that are a wealth of information on YUrman bracelets and the like. There are even some you tube videos on spotting fakes. I am not suggesting that yours is such, however, it may behoove you to take the piece to a DY store and have it looked at. They may offer to have it repaired for a price of course.

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Re: Sterling silver David Yerman bracelet question

does the little gold tag add to the design? 

can you/would you take it off? 

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Re: Sterling silver David Yerman bracelet question

@Nonametoday wrote:

I have an older DY sterling silver bracelet with a little medallion-like thing of 18K gold vermeil (I guess is what you call it) and the gold is wearing thin from rubbing wear (probably my desk).  Is there a way to have that gold replaced?

go to a Yurman counter and ask about it, personally I wouldn't ask a basic jeweler on this

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Re: Sterling silver David Yerman bracelet question

@Deanie wrote:

There are many websites that are a wealth of information on YUrman bracelets and the like. There are even some you tube videos on spotting fakes. I am not suggesting that yours is such, however, it may behoove you to take the piece to a DY store and have it looked at. They may offer to have it repaired for a price of course.

@Deanie  Mine came from N-M,an official DY site.  And yes, I inadvertently misspelled it.  I do know that was wrong, but hurriedly spelled it wrong, realized it later, but we had a storm so I felt more important to turn computer off.

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Re: Sterling silver David Yerman bracelet question

@Nonametoday wrote:

@Deanie wrote:

There are many websites that are a wealth of information on YUrman bracelets and the like. There are even some you tube videos on spotting fakes. I am not suggesting that yours is such, however, it may behoove you to take the piece to a DY store and have it looked at. They may offer to have it repaired for a price of course.

@Deanie  Mine came from N-M,an official DY site.  And yes, I inadvertently misspelled it.  I do know that was wrong, but hurriedly spelled it wrong, realized it later, but we had a storm so I felt more important to turn computer off.

@jackthebear  The gold is not tarnished, is not gone, just not as shiny and I assumed it was wearing down to the silver.  It is a part of the bracelet, not a tag.  It is at the area where it meets.  It just does not look like 18K gold anymore.  It looks more like 10K gold.

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Re: Sterling silver David Yerman bracelet question

Contact David Yurmin through their website.

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Re: Sterling silver David Yerman bracelet question

@Nonametoday wrote:

I have an older DY sterling silver bracelet with a little medallion-like thing of 18K gold vermeil (I guess is what you call it) and the gold is wearing thin from rubbing wear (probably my desk).  Is there a way to have that gold replaced?



@Nonametoday  I agree to take your Yurman bracelet to a jeweler that sells David Yurman. Gold does not “wear off” down to silver. It may just need to be professionally polished. I have several DY cuffs. He only uses 18K gold w/ his silver bracelets....something’s amiss.


Let us know what happens. It’s an interesting development.



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Posts: 13
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Sterling silver David Yerman bracelet question

I have several Bangles from David yurman collection and most of his silver/gold items are gold bonded to the silver!! If you go to his web site there is a note to the most items that the gold part is bonded. Especially his rolo bracelet which is really popular item is gold bonded too.