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If you purchase a piece of jewelry with oxidation as part of the  design, is there a way to remove it?

I love a piece and would buy it if I could have it all bright silver.

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Re: Question about oxidation

I hear you and that's why I don't like silver.  There are many silver cleaners available - I had sterling silver (inherited) dinnerware and sat polishing that stuff until I sold it.  I go gold!

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Re: Question about oxidation

A liquid tarnish remover would do it,  although I MO it would be a shame.   The oxidation brings out the details in a piece. Without it,  it would be blah.   Bright,  shiny items are usually simple,  contemporary pieces without much detail.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Registered: ‎06-02-2015

Re: Question about oxidation

I don't like oxidation either. To me it is like dirt under your fingernails. I would just pass it up tho, because from the little I can see, it looks like if your took off the oxidation, it is rough silver underneath so you would  not have shiny silver underneath. Does anybody know for sure?

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Re: Question about oxidation

Most of the "quickie" silver polish hints you can find online do remove oxidation, leaving you with a piece of silver that will lok like flat white metal.


I can't remember ever seeing a piece of jewelry with the oxidation removd that was "rough" under the oxidation, but since I'm a fan of the sculptured appearance of oxidized metal, I may have missed something hat other silver fans have seen.



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Re: Question about oxidation

Thanks everyone! 

I do wear gold almost exclusively but occasionally, especially in summer, love a bit of silver. I like it highly polished and have a few old pieces that are that way. It seems lately more and more of the silver has the tarnish "accents".

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Question about oxidation

[ Edited ]

Ive gotten several very contemporary piece of Or Paz jewelry which have no oxidation.   You might check their selection.  The rose also comes as a ring. 





New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: Question about oxidation