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Posts: 887
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

New pendant from the Liquidation Channel!

That's right--I just received my 14 carat London Blue Topaz pendant this afternoon. It is really nice. I louped it outside in direct sunlight and it is clean, well cut {emerald shape} with no inclusions that I can see under a 20 power loupe. The accompanying chain is a bit wimpy but I have boxful of chains with varying sizes. It only cost $149. I'm a happy camper.

Super Contributor
Posts: 5,837
Registered: ‎03-01-2013

Re: New pendant from the Liquidation Channel!

Nice! Sounds like you found a lovely pendant. Enjoy!
New Contributor
Posts: 4
Registered: ‎06-28-2013

Re: New pendant from the Liquidation Channel!

What's the liquidation channel?