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Re: More 14K Solid Gold Made in Italy

[ Edited ]

@Kachina624 For current and recent vintage, Carolee, St John, Christian Dior and Swarovski create beautiful pieces. 


Older i.e. 1940's quality vintage costume jewelry pieces were produced in sterling with gold vermeil as the war effort needed pot metal; Trifari, Coro, Reja, Boucher and Mazer are some of the high quality designers for that time period.


Here's an example of 1940's Trifari sterling one of my favorite pieces.



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Re: More 14K Solid Gold Made in Italy

@rockygems123    I'm glad to have that information.  When I worked and wore suits, I had so many beautiful pins to wear on lapels.  Now I have nothing to wear them on. Some people wear them on jean jackets, which I might do with a silver pin but mine are gold and too dressy.


I really miss wearing my pins.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: More 14K Solid Gold Made in Italy

Kachina, can I ask you most respectfully, not to comment on any of my posts?  I remember you from years ago when I had a different profile.  Everything  you post is

negative.  Thank you.

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Re: More 14K Solid Gold Made in Italy

@Kachina624 wrote:

@rockygems123    I'm glad to have that information.  When I worked and wore suits, I had so many beautiful pins to wear on lapels.  Now I have nothing to wear them on. Some people wear them on jean jackets, which I might do with a silver pin but mine are gold and too dressy.


I really miss wearing my pins.

@Kachina624 Your situation is so common.  Either one stops working and no need for pins or the styles change i.e. blazers out of fashion so no place to put them.  


If you or anyone have any questions about value or any other specifics on any pieces I'd be happy to help.  Sort of like when @Shanus kindly helps on the beauty front! Smiley Happy 

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Re: More 14K Solid Gold Made in Italy

@queendiva wrote:

@SAM55 : I love good jewelry and have lots of it.


May I suggest that you look into the Bellezza line on HSN? Bronze that looks and shines just like my 18K gold. i bought a sparkle chain necklace a few months ago.Around $60.00. It's fabulous and the price is so right.


@queendiva @SAM55 


My bronze jewelry tarnished very badly and I have not been able to fix that.  Beaitiful bronzo Honora pearls from QVC.  Some of my worst purchases.  The designs are so beautiful and they said it wouldn't tarnish if stored properly, which I did.  I stored in the Lori Grenier [sp?] "tarnish proof" jewelry boxes.  Another fail by QVC.

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Re: More 14K Solid Gold Made in Italy

@rockygems123 wrote:

@Kachina624 wrote:

That's exactly what I had in mind.  You can buy pre-owned pieces of Monet, Trifari, Napier, and Joan Rivers on eBay very inexpensively that looks great.

@Kachina624  You are so right and I couldn't agree more. The lines you mentioned are some of my favorites to sell on Ebay as they are quality, classical and long lasting.


@Kachina624 @rockygems123 


I do have some fashion jewelry such as Monet and Anne Klein from LDO days that remain tarnish free.  Unfortunately, the styles are dated and I do not wear them.

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Re: More 14K Solid Gold Made in Italy

@rockygems123 @   Thanks, that's kind of you to offer.  By the way, did you ever get to Walsenberg?

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: More 14K Solid Gold Made in Italy

@Kachina624 wrote:

@rockygems123 @   Thanks, that's kind of you to offer.  By the way, did you ever get to Walsenberg?

@Kachina624  I am going Friday!  Looks like no weather issues, so thrilled about that.  1st stop Friday AM is an estate sale in Colorado Springs and then onwards to Walsenberg.


Last week was a different Colorado Springs sale and went to Pueblo after, knew that particular day Walsenberg wouldn't fit in, so looking forward to going there this week.


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Re: More 14K Solid Gold Made in Italy

@rockygems123    I look forward to hearing your report.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: More 14K Solid Gold Made in Italy

@Kachina624   I have pins that I bought over the years and now that I am retired I don't wear the types of clothes appropriate for pins. A couple of years ago I purchased some attachments that were supposed to be able to turn the pins into pendants. They didn't work and the "pendants" didn't hand right on the chains. I am wondering how expensive it would be to have a jeweler attach a bail to the back of a small pin so that it can be worn as a pendant? Have you tried this?