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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Let's Discuss: Judith Ripka June 30, 2012 - what are you getting / interested in?... :)

It has been a difficult month for me (passing of a grandmother figure whom I was close to for 15 years, cancellation of an overseas scientific mission for DH, prep for another in the Arctic Circle plus resulting health challenges due to stress), so I for one am really glad to have the distraction of a Judith visit! {#emotions_dlg.w00t}


Today, we can look forward to Judith from 3-5 pm Eastern Standard Time (Noon-2 pm Pacific) and 9-10 pm Eastern Standard Time (6-7 pm Pacific). Even though this visit is brief, I think the big news is the Turquoise version of the Monaco earrings, J266172, and absolute mounds and mounds of lovely E/Ps. {#emotions_dlg.biggrin}

So, let's start talking about what is new, what interests you and what you are getting! ~Peach