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ordered a Kunzite ring from JTV.   The stone seems more included than i expected.  It has no flash and looks like it wasnt cut well.   And pale pink.


Are Kunzites typically clear?

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Re: Kunzite Ring

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@CatsyCline No, they are not clear in color--meaning colorless.  They are a soft cool pink.  They can range from fairly light to darker cool pink shades but they are pink to be considered jewelry grade.  


And inclusions are not the norm to be noticeable in what I've seen.

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I wanted a pair of large Kunzite studs but the price was too high for me to afford them. I found Rose De France amethyst looks identical to top-gem Kunzite and so I bought the studs. 10mm rounds set in rose gold vermeil. Perfectly clear stones.


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I have a 5 carat kunzite from many, many years ago.  There should not be any inclusions in a nice quality kunzite.  They are generally a beautiful pink stone and should defintely have some flash as you stated!  I would return it. @CatsyCline 

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I believe morganite is more pink/peach in nature, while kunzite has more lavender. Marta Rocha kunzites have a deep lavender color. And the high price reflects the quality.


And the other posters are correct in that kunzites should not be clear, although less expensive stones will be lighter in color. 


From what you wrote, you don't seem pleased with your purchase. Consider returning it for something you might prefer.

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JTV is very hit or miss.  Sounds like you found a miss.  Sent it back and save your pennies for a better quality stone.  You'll be a lot happier.

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@CatsyCline wrote:

ordered a Kunzite ring from JTV.   The stone seems more included than i expected.  It has no flash and looks like it wasnt cut well.   And pale pink.


Are Kunzites typically clear?

@CatsyCline my understanding of a good quality Kunzite should be pink/purplish color.  But definitely pink.  It's a whole different color pink than the morganite and it's even a different pink from sapphire, but it should not be included.  You should return it.


Remember, keep your Kunzite out of a lot of natural sunlight because the stone is notorious for losing that pink in certain lighting conditions.  Thus, the term the "evening stone."

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@CatsyCline - Kunzite is a beautiful, magically sparkly stone with incredible refraction, but that sparkle can only be achieved when the stone is free of inclusions (which it is in high end jewelry items) and cut well. I purchased a Dallas Prince kunzite ring a few years ago, and it was the first truly spectacular kunzite specimen set in a ring that I had ever seen (after having ordered a few others over the years from other vendors- which I returned- as they did not meet my apparently high standards of reasonable pink color and sparkle). Do not give up. You will eventually find that perfectly pink stone that makes the light dance from within. I would definitely return the one you received, and try a different vendor or shopping network next time.

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@CatsyCline @Keep it out of the light. Kunzite can lose color if left sitting under light.

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Re: Kunzite Ring

[ Edited ]

Kunzite is clear, lavender color. No inclusions really if you got a good cut. I purchased stone and had it set. This way you can get the best stone you can afford.