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Registered: ‎12-22-2013

For Joan Boyce fans, she is on JTV this morning.  I have gold tone huggies with simulated diamonds from HSN and a pair of hoops to match they came as a set.  The gold tone is perfect.  I have had them for years and they still look lovely.

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I have never purchased anything from this company.



I believe these are the people that show the tray turning with numbers for the items below?   Correct?  Could have the wrong one.



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Registered: ‎03-13-2010

JTV is now MAKING Joan's jewelry.    I have no idea who did before.

♥Surface of the Sun♥
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I don't recommend her jeweled reading glasses. The ones I bought from her collection on Hsn, when it was there, had many of the stone fall off. I threw them away. That was the only thing I ever bought from her.

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Registered: ‎10-11-2017

She'll be on from 4 pm-6 pm ET today,also.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

@Just Bling wrote:

I have never purchased anything from this company.



I believe these are the people that show the tray turning with numbers for the items below?   Correct?  Could have the wrong one.



Some of the time, but certainly not all the time. you may also be thinking of Gems TV. 

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Posts: 7,776
Registered: ‎02-13-2021

@Just Bling wrote:

I have never purchased anything from this company.



I believe these are the people that show the tray turning with numbers for the items below?   Correct?  Could have the wrong one.



You're talking about the Gem Shopping Network.  All Jewelry, all the time.

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