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Re: Jewelry Shows Anticipation Gone, Gone, Gone

On 2/13/2015 depglass said:

Even the so-called "cheap" jewelry channels, LC and Rocks, are still offering 925 and 10K gold. Keep in mind these are basic simple pieces and some of the gemstones are not top quality. My point is QVC could work on a few items if they really tried. I'd much rather have 10K than any of this resin filled or bronzo.

I have to agree with you........i see other channels offering sterling & 10kt items at reasonable rates and wonder why QVC hasn't done that. Instead...they offer tons of the resin filled, bronzo, plated items instead of "finer" pieces in sterling or 10kt and even 14kt. They could sell a simple sterling ring with a lovely gemstone at a reasonable price...but instead when they offer a sterling item it is huge, bold and designer and the way overcharge for the silver items and their defense is how silver has gone up in price which it may have somewhat but how do other channels manage to produce and offer with reasonable prices then?? And when they have actual 14kt gold items....again ...they basically offer HUGE, BOLD or DESIGNER pieces and the prices are high. I think alot of these pieces sell because many of the QVC customers are "yearning" for 14kt and sterling items and they purchase these expensive items when they see them shown.......i used to order quite a bit of jewelry items ....but now only a few here and there.....have been going to my local jeweler or looking elsewhere.

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Re: Jewelry Shows Anticipation Gone, Gone, Gone

I don't ever watch this network, why I read this forum from time to time is beyond me. The Q has nothing to offer anymore. Why do you think they reduced the shipping charges? People don't lower prices if business is booming.

Posts: 29
Registered: ‎03-19-2010

Re: Jewelry Shows Anticipation Gone, Gone, Gone

QVC drastically cut their jewelry shows awhile back because of some executive decision. Then the price of silver started to drop but by then they must have lost some of their important jewelry/gem connections. They are adding back more shows now but probably need to hire more staff to get back to where they were. The constant repeating of items on Big Bonanza Silver Day irritated me to no end. However, I was able to order a 16" snake chain from the sale which is almost an extinct item size-wise. I recently bought a pair of Judith Ripka clip-on earrings on clearance for my sister that she loved. I bought a Barbara Bixby clearance charm which I'm using as a pendant. Barbara Bixby items are too expensive for me now at full price. I wish Judith Ripka would design some items that aren't so glitzy. Most of her prices are crazy too lately! I enjoy Nicky Butler and Jay King on HSN. Nicky Butler designs items for all price points and he has a much broader design style now. Some of the prices for his earrings and rings are amazing for what you're getting. Jay King has some great items as well. HSN has some crazy clearances on jewelry. They have a clearance show coming up on Tuesday night at midnight and Wednesday all day this week. Colleen Lopez has some great jewelry, too. Good luck finding treasures! I haven't given up on QVC yet!

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Re: Jewelry Shows Anticipation Gone, Gone, Gone

Hey chickenbutt, STERLING SILVER IS NOT COSTUME JEWELRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Re: Jewelry Shows Anticipation Gone, Gone, Gone

As I noted earlier, I couldn't agree more with you, OP, and have been saying so now for quite some time. QVC back-burnered jewelry for too long and then when they chose, in their infinite wisdom..., to roll it out again, they rolled it out in such a diluted version that even when they do now try to schedule jewelry events they not only fall flat, but they're more or less not even a blip on my radar.

In my pantry with my cupcakes...
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Re: Jewelry Shows Anticipation Gone, Gone, Gone

I agree with Stevie and OP. Q is seriously lacking in the fine jewelry line. I'm thorough disgusted with the garbage they call jewelry.

If I want cheap, flimsy, 1-2-3 gram gold pieces, I can find that at WalMart, Kmart, etc. I used to depend on Q for the more unique pieces, quality classic pieces, and just plain quality gold jewelry.

If I want costume, I can find that anywhere and for a whole lot less than at Q. My friend from Italy laughs at how Q touts bronze and resin jewelry. She says they wear it only as super cheap costume in Italy.

I found a smaller online jeweler who sells excellent 10k, 14k, and 18k jewelry for so much less per gram than Q. I've had it tested and reviewed by my local jeweler and he said it's great jewelry. And yet Q claims to be the largest gold retailer in the states. If they really are, why not use their buying power to get the great prices this smaller retailer offers?

Will someone tell David that $100 per gram is not a good deal? He keeps saying this during gold shows and it is just plain wrong. But perhaps his belief in this explains why Q's gold is so seriously lacking.