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Jewelry Prices Up AGAIN 😡

[ Edited ]

I keep a Wish List of Jewelry items. And part of my morning routine over coffee, tea, or smoothie is to check to see if perhaps one of my wish list items is unexpectedly on sale or on clearance. (This is why I notice the at least twice annually, across the board, jewelry price increases.) Mind you, these are all older jewelry items, many well over a year since they were added to their jewelry inventory. One example is a gemstone beaded necklace just went from QVC price of $288 to now $298.08. I get it if they want to increase prices on new inventory, but old inventory, it's just sooooo annoying! And don't even get me started on clearance pricing going up, rather than down! What the heck QVC???

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Re: Jewelry Prices Up AGAIN 😡

Yup! I posted on this last week. The prices of everything on QVC is much higher. I won't be buying anytime soon. I watched JTV last night and their jewelry prices are quite good. They didn't go crazy raising thieir prices like QVC did.

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Re: Jewelry Prices Up AGAIN 😡

It is frustrating when you have your eye on something and wait - only to find the price goes up instead of down eventually.  I find it's best to wait if you can for an "event".  There is a Gem Day the end of the month - price might drop for that.

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Re: Jewelry Prices Up AGAIN 😡

@LovesBling   Not surprising....everything is going up, and inflation rising.


I've thought recently about the price of diamonds.  I haven't checked but I would have thought they would go down with the trend for moissanite.  It is the first viable substitution for diamonds (yes, I know there are differences, and, yes, there will always be traditionalists who want their diamond), but many, even if they can, choose to not invest in the high price of a diamond but choose a beautiful much less expensive moissanite.  I checked recently and the price of moissanite has greatly increased!  It used to be so you are paying thousands.


Housing, food, clothing, jewelry, everything on the rise.... so I am not surprised by your observation.  It is a sign of the times!  

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Re: Jewelry Prices Up AGAIN 😡

I understand supply and demand, inflation, ROI, yada yada. But they have far fewer jewelry shows, so demand is obviously not up. And the older items in their jewelry inventory were purchased at cost years ago, no cash outlay for QVC now, aside from warehouse costs. So it just seems like nickel and diming, cash grabbing! That is not how you cultivate customer loyalty and trust. So frustrating! But the positive viewpoint is less spending, on non essentials, by me! 🥳😃

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Re: Jewelry Prices Up AGAIN 😡

No kidding! I just checked my wishlist and the prices are not only up, they're WAY up. I won't even think about purchasing anything anytime soon. Woman Sad QVC can keep it. Besides, after 30+ years of shopping here, I have a jewelry inventory that rivals theirs anyway. Woman Surprised

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Re: Jewelry Prices Up AGAIN 😡

It. Drives. Me. Nuts.  And listen up QVC, I don't buy anything when I see a price increase.  The only reason I can see that QVC would want to do this is so they can lower the price for a "sale" and say it's been reduced by 25% or more.  

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Re: Jewelry Prices Up AGAIN 😡

Everything has gone up in price.  It is a drag.  My husband still has not found employment.

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Re: Jewelry Prices Up AGAIN 😡

@Fresher  I totally agree with you.

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Re: Jewelry Prices Up AGAIN 😡

@LovesBling   Question:  How can you be sure this is old stock that the prices were raised on?


Inventory is being updated and replaced on old as well as new items with all retailers.


I doubt QVC only got one shipment of a gemstone beaded necklace.  As inventory is sold, more is brought in... probably at a higher price.

Lately, everything is has been going up in price.  I don't think it will level off for a while.