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Many Jewelry stores have purchased gold from customers for years. The store where I'm employed (20 Yrs now) , the other day my boss, a 35 year bench jeweler, bought 2 bangles from a lady. He gave her full scrap cash value by weight. They were simply stamped 14K. I noticed them laying on his bench and commented that I had seen them selling on the former ShopNBC, and that they were silicone filled. He had NO CLUE! He cut one open and sure enough, full of silicone. Once burned. Lesson learned. Lady was long gone.
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@viwanton wrote:

If we buy gold over resin, we are telling QVC that it is ok to cut corners. It's unacceptable to me.

I think the whole thing is deceptive and dishonest and a rip off if it is marked 14k.

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@Sooner wrote:
On 1/25/2014 esmeraldagooch said: If they don't mark the pieces to disclose resin or silicone filling it's a disservice to all. Current or future owners. Jewelers who may be asked to size or repair also.

It is more than a disservice. It is deceptive and dishonest.

Imagine you bought a candy bar advertising it was pure 65 percent dark organic chocolate.  You bite into it, or give it to a friend who bites into it and it is NOT chocolate inside.  It's only a THIN coat of chocolate and maybe plastic or foam inside.  


Same concept. Did you get your money's worth?  No.  You didn't.

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i dont and wont buy any resin filled jewelry.


i like my 18k pieces (most of my first nice pieces of jewelry were 18k bought overseas), my 14k pieces, sterling silver, clad, bronze, and costume jewelry. i would rather have a beautiful piece of costume jewelry than have a 14k resin-filled piece of jewelry.

"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing." - Albert Einstein
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Re: Is 14K mark deceptive?

[ Edited ]

I can understand the different points of view on this thread. Sorry for the length....


As I've mentioned in several posts, I've taken classes over the years and I'm a trained fine jewelry maker in both silver and gold.  When the resin gold pieces first came out as someone who loves to wear and make gold jewelry, I was intrigued and ordered a couple pieces.


My first pieces were the Oro Nuovo Organic and Square yellow gold bangles. As I stated in my review, I'm very happy with them. I have worn them for about 3 years, while typing, banged them on the desk countless times, dropped them and apart from a few mostly unnoticeable scratches, they are intact. After my experiment, I concurred that resin filled gold jewelry works well for large pieces that would otherwise be price prohibitive.


Even if I had the money, I would not want to spend thousands of dollars on these bangles to buy them in solid gold. For one, I would be scared to wear them due to the high cost and they would probably be super uncomfortable. I'd rather have more pieces than spend $5000 on one. For all my other smaller and daintier gold jewelry, I buy solid gold. However, I've only had one issue with any of my Oro Nuovo pieces, a ring which I returned this year. Everything else looks the same and importantly has the beautiful yellow color of real gold since it's real gold. I find that is really hard to emulate and most clad is off. The color is not going to rub off or change.


So for me, resin filled works for larger, bolder pieces that I would never buy in real solid gold. I get the look, better durability since it's not hollow, and as was mentioned I don't have to break the bank. 


And most resin gold jewelry is now marked "14K Resin". It's good that the jewelry industry offers different options for everyone. I can relate to those that love solid gold jewelry, I do too. But honestly, there is no need to put down anything else because you don't like it. Quite frankly, IMO if you don't have experience with something first hand you are in no position to give either a positive or negative review.


I believe research and necessity is the mother of all invention. The reason it exists is because it fills a void in the jewelry industry. Since I'm part of that industry, I can tell you that gold clad has much less gold. I see resin jewelry as a new way to do gold filled, which is considered to be a quality product because it's made with a thick sheet of real gold even though it's filled with a base metal. Many vintage pieces I own are gold filled and look like solid gold. Therefore, this idea is not really new. There have always been ways to lower the price of gold jewelry so that more people can afford it, even back in the day. 



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What people buy is entirely their call, but it should be clearly marked what you are buying.  That is the only squeak I have with this.  Otherwise, whatever you want.  Just MARK it 14k sfilled or something.  

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Re: Is 14K mark deceptive?

[ Edited ]

@Sooner wrote:

What people buy is entirely their call, but it should be clearly marked what you are buying.  That is the only squeak I have with this.  Otherwise, whatever you want.  Just MARK it 14k sfilled or something.  



The first item in the 14k/resin list, no marking to say resin filled.

Occasional Contributor
Posts: 8
Registered: ‎07-16-2015
I agree that the items should be market. I purchased J 295290, VicenzaGold twisted hoop earrings during May gold month. It is listed as 14k (with no fillers), but has no markings on the earring. Would you expect the earrings to be market?
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It's deceptive. 

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Take a look at item # J324627. Pretty and also seems appropriately marked.