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Registered: ‎05-17-2010

There must be something new they can come up with at HONORA. To continually present the same sets of colored stud pearl earrings, etc. This doesn't say much for the design team at HONORA. Maybe QVC only puts in an order for a few "sure sellers" from the past and rejects anything new afraid to take that chance we may purchase. Certainly taking a chance is better than changing the channel. 


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I bought way too many pearl earrings, bracelets, and necklaces.  I rarely wear any of it.  Don't know what I was thinking at the time.  I would have worn it years ago when I had to be more dressed up for work.  But my job now is very casual.  Maybe someday my Daughter in laws will enjoy having this jewelry.

Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else. Margaret Mead
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There's really is just so much you can make with pearls. I love them in small size buttons for ears but never the purple and other zany colors Honora has made.  Fashion really has moved on - to shoulder duster earrings - big and bold necklaces (not my choice) but people seem to want them.  Honora has a steep hill to climb to be popular again.

Posts: 57
Registered: ‎04-27-2010

I have a great new idea for Honora. Saw a pendant that was a silver pea pod and it had three white pearls inside.  Gorgeous.  

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Registered: ‎05-17-2010

@Diamond Gal. The design you mentioned has been done many times. Check Hagit's jewelry for that design. I'd love to see something original done w/ pearls. They need to step out of their traditional box & take a chance on some new designs.


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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

I suspect Honora is going to go out of business soon. Ralph Rossini just left the company a few weeks ago after what, 25 years with the company? They closed their flagship store on Madison Ave. New York City and they only have three pages of items on QVC where they used to have thirteen pages. 


I think they will leave QVC in the next couple of years.

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Registered: ‎07-23-2010

well they sold out to a conglomerate a few years ago and since that time the interesting designs have been missing.  I have Honora peices I bought years ago, not just colored strands and earrings that had unique style and looks. I hate to say it but if what they have shown over the past several years is the best they can do, well, then they have nothing to offer.

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Honora sold their company to Richline back in 2013. Look back at a JCK article from back then where owner Joel Schechter talks about his reasons for selling his company. I wonder now if he still thinks it was a good deal for him. Honora may be a QVC jewelry staple but the brand sure didn't last very long in Canada.


Buffett Book Leads to Richline Deal, Honora Says

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Posts: 5,238
Registered: ‎07-23-2010

@TY interesting, thanks for the link. Yeah maybe it made him more secure but personally I have no interest in Honora's offerings now so long term, it doesn't seem as though it was as good for the brand as they may have thought.

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Registered: ‎12-06-2010

I've been enjoying watching the pearl shows on JTV.  It's a shame that Honora appears to be going by the wayside.