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H201640 Gold & Silver Safekeeper Oval Spinning Jewelry Cabinet by Lori Greiner

Hello Ladies,


I have read the reviews on this item and really want it.  I have a birthday next month and have asked for it from my Bfriend.  Do any of you have it or had any of these type cabinets from Lori G and can share how you like the quality.  I just have so much Jewlery so I need something that has both sides or is big.  I love the look of this and how I will be able to see my jewelry and wear it.

thanks for any info.  

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Registered: ‎03-17-2010

Re: H201640 Gold & Silver Safekeeper Oval Spinning Jewelry Cabinet by Lori Greiner

I own this and I have to warn you that it is difficult to put together and my DH is a triple Engineer.  Heavier than heck. Not all the hardware was included, some holes did not line up and had to be re-drilled, couldn't get the piece to stay straight up on the platform, it tilts very slightly and nothing can be done about it.


Please don't get me wrong, now that DH was able to put it all together I enjoy it very much but if it had been easier to get it all back into the box (impossible once everything came out of the box and I'm pretty good at re-packaging).... I would have sent it back!!!  


This unit convinced me to stop ordering this kind of item from the Q.... love it, but mine was not manufactured well at all!   Woman Indifferent

*~"Never eat more than you can lift......" Miss Piggy~*
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Re: H201640 Gold & Silver Safekeeper Oval Spinning Jewelry Cabinet by Lori Greiner

i have several of these. you should check out the ones over at hsn. way cheaper.  

some of them even have hooks to hang over the door for easy installation. nothing to put together either. 

i like them to organize.  one cabinet for pearls, one for turquoise, one for plain silver, you get the drift.  several configurations. 

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Re: H201640 Gold & Silver Safekeeper Oval Spinning Jewelry Cabinet by Lori Greiner

[ Edited ]

The one that hangs on the wall as well as standing up with one side that opens is not the one OP is referring to, she's talking about the double sided one with the bentwood top for $369.  The one with one door that hangs or stands up is a good product IMHO.  No problem with that one and considerably less money.... Woman Happy

*~"Never eat more than you can lift......" Miss Piggy~*
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Re: H201640 Gold & Silver Safekeeper Oval Spinning Jewelry Cabinet by Lori Greiner

I'd be afraid if my house was ever broken into that the thieves would just carry it off. It's heavy but what a convenient all-in-one treasure that would be for them. All my jewelry in one would just make me sick.