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Gem Day...pathetic line up for shows...

Where are the garnets, amethysts, topazes, rubies, sapphires, rubies, etc. I've seen enough black spinel, alexandrite, and turquoise. Can't afford most of it either.
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Re: Gem Day...pathetic line up for shows...

Heck, I'd even tune in for a "colors of Quartz" show {#emotions_dlg.laugh}. Nothing appealing to me at all.

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Re: Gem Day...pathetic line up for shows...

I agree. I won't be losing sleep for these shows that's for sure.
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Re: Gem Day...pathetic line up for shows...

This is just how they roll these days... I'm sure there are a few of the more traditional semi-precious gemstones rolled into the mix, but they certainly know how to beat their customers over the head with the same handful of gems. After the past few years, I don't care if I never see another black spinel and hope to heaven I never see another drusy... I'd really like to see a nice assortment of garnet and citrine rings, but clearly that's not going to happen.

Equally as disheartening about what I'm seeing so far is that the options are either very pricey, though some of them are lovely, or they're way less costly but so junky who'd want them... There IS a middle ground and they need to find it.

In my pantry with my cupcakes...
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Re: Gem Day...pathetic line up for shows...

MANY items are over the top expensive. I can't afford anything in any of the shows today. And I must agree, where are all of the 'common' stones? All day gem days in the past were SO much fun, so much more affordable. Yes I know, everything has increased in price but there isn't much of anything offered today that's $500 or less.

Don't know about you but I've not won that lottery yet to spend thousands on whatever strikes my fancy. I wouldn't be buying it here anyway!!!

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Re: Gem Day...pathetic line up for shows...

Now everybody will complain about how expensive things are. They were before and they are now. But when they keep y on silver diet for 6 or 7 years you forget how to pay the price. QVC was always overpriced.
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Re: Gem Day...pathetic line up for shows...

It was nice to see the nicer jewelry pieces again. It reminded me of the 'old' days when QVC offered finer pieces which I own many. Let's hope this trend continues for QVC. Pricing can improve as other factors change, such as volume of sales. I haven't purchased jewelry from QVC in years and was caught off guard by the improvement. There is room for continued improvement but this is a step in the right direction. Definitely not the same-ol' same-old'!

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Re: Gem Day...pathetic line up for shows...

This is my first "gem" day experience. There are nice affordable items, too. I saw some pretty Baltic amber in three colors just a little while ago. Seems to me there is something for everyone. I am a turquoise girl myself however I enjoy seeing so many different gems and hearing about their origins.
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Re: Gem Day...pathetic line up for shows...

I haven't bothered to tune in ....knowing full well most I don't care for and a lot I can't afford...I will watch the Affinity shows (maybe) and the Ruby show...(maybe) just because I like those gems but still won't be able to purchase...:0(

I hope the Diamond show isn't going to spend endless time talking about the Angel gosh how boring...and how overdone....

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Re: Gem Day...pathetic line up for shows...

On 7/16/2014 circles said:

I haven't bothered to tune in ....knowing full well most I don't care for and a lot I can't afford...I will watch the Affinity shows (maybe) and the Ruby show...(maybe) just because I like those gems but still won't be able to purchase...:0(

I hope the Diamond show isn't going to spend endless time talking about the Angel gosh how boring...and how overdone....

True... very true...

In my pantry with my cupcakes...