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Re: Do You Have A favorite Jewelery Designer?

Judith Ripka is my favorite designer. I have several pieces from her old JR Two Collection with sterling silver and 18k gold. They are 10 years old now and I love wearing them. I always get compliments. I have some QVC JR as well, but with the recent price increases since 2009 I don't buy very many pieces anymore. I only bought two last year. 


As I get older I prefer classic gold and white gold pieces that I buy from the Q gold days and I bought the recent Byzantine TSV in gold and it is really a classic. I will never have to get rid of it as it will never go out of style. That piece would be two or three times what I paid for here at the Q.


I used to have about 12 pieces of Bixby that were gorgeous, but they were too ornate and "loud" for my personal style. I sold them on Ebay and the women who bought them were ecstatic, which made me feel good.


My philosphy these days are to have a well edited jewelry collection that actually gets worn.

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Re: Do You Have A favorite Jewelery Designer?

A lot of my favorite pieces are the ones I've designed myself.  

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Posts: 53
Registered: ‎09-17-2010

Re: Do You Have A favorite Jewelery Designer?

My favorite designers on QVC used to be Ann King and Barry Cord. I also favor Scott Kay, Michael Dawkins and Barbara Bixby.  My all time favorite designers not on Q are Lagos by Steven Lagos and Steven Webster designs

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Re: Do You Have A favorite Jewelery Designer?

Michael Dawkins without a doubt for his clean lines, contemporary and sophisticated designs.  I own several of his pieces.  I am also liking Scott Kay with his design on angel wings and hearts.

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Re: Do You Have A favorite Jewelery Designer?

My tastes are eclectic so no designer really.  David Yurman has always made beautiful things and I do love to see them at Saks.  I love silver so right now I'm liking the intricate designs of Samuel B as well as Carolyn Pollack.  I don't remember the name but recently I bought the amber TS that an Israel designer had on and I really like that ring too.  I haven't tried his other pieces but this one was really nice. 

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Re: Do You Have A favorite Jewelery Designer?

Ladies I also like JR jewelry, but was wondering how you keep you pieces sparkling like new.  Q has a jewelry cleaner H282567 but it only has 3 reviews.  I have a lot of silver but I also have some with gemstones and I don't want to lose the stones.  What would you all recommend?

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Registered: ‎01-09-2011

Re: Do You Have A favorite Jewelery Designer?

I loved Ann King and I have some very interesting RLM pieces. However, aside from QVC, throughout the years I have collected a great suite of David Yurman. My all time favorite.

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