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@cheriere   Thank you very much. Those stones were found on Etsy for under $54. for the pair. The vendor  is Valdistone. It did take a couple of weeks for the stones to arrive from Indonesia.


  There are other Etsy shops selling similar stones under the names "confetti chrysocolla" or "Aquadite".


  I liked Valdistone because he offered pairs for earrings. I also bought an oval stone with the intention of making a pendant, but I might just put it in my little curio of crystals and stones.


  If you do look at Valdistone, you can see my review and a picture of the stones that I purchased.


  Etsy is a great source for all kinds of materials to handcraft just about anything you can think of. I have also bought dolls, antique items, handcrafted items, vintage fabrics, vintage and new jewelry, crystals, stones and minerals from Etsy.

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Re: Confetti Stone

[ Edited ]

@Enufstuff @cheriere  Thank you so much for the compliments on my pink morganite heart ring, ladies Smiley HappyHeart! You are so right- sometimes the best gifts are the ones that we get ourselves! I ran into a lousy ex boyfriend shortly after I got this ring and when he jealously asked who gave it to me I said "Wouldn't you like to know?" Smiley Very HappySmiley Wink  and I totally agree that self love is so important- I make sure to exercise and look my best and do my hair and makeup and I cook great meals and I treasure myself and I treasure my family.  Sometimes I can be too hard on myself, so little gifts or treats that I get myself are a reminder that I'm in it for the long haul with me.  I can't be a supporting character or an extra in my own life- I've got to believe in myself and do my best and feel my best! Smiley Very HappyHeart

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@cheriere Chrome diopside is so pretty! I'm looking forward to that fire opal tomorrow or whenever you have time to post it! 

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@Enufstuff  How long did it take you to learn how to make such pretty earrings? You really have a gift with your talents. Have you considered selling your pieces that you make? I bet you could generate a real fan following.  Smiley HappyHeart

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@Enufstuff      I can't believe what a beautiful job you did with those, earrings!  They're gorgeous!  You wouldn't be able to find them at a jewelry store either.  If you could they'd be so much more expensive than what you have in them.


I need to go on Etsy more often to look for things.  The way I love unique stones, I could really get into trouble lol.  I got into a mineral called Shungite for awhile.  They probably have some of t on e

Etsy too.  There's two varieties, one used for making jewelry and the other for items like figurines and things.  It has some really interesting physical properties that are supposed to be beneficial to your health.  I'll have a I post about it some.


Thanks for sharing your beautiful earrings.  I love things like that.💝💕

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Re: Confetti Stone

[ Edited ]

@SportyShorty07    Here's the fire opal.  I'm ashamed because it's so dirty.  I have to take it to the jeweler to get it cleaned.




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Registered: ‎03-12-2010

Re: Confetti Stone

[ Edited ]

@cheriere @SportyShorty07   Like both of you ladies, I have had a lifelong love of all the different gems and I am still amazed at the beauty Mother Nature has given us in gems, crystals, stones and seashells.


 In the 90's, when I discovered QVC, I started seriously collecting all the different gems in gold and silver and also gold from Italy. Back then jewelry was sold for a fraction of what they sell today. I have not bought jewelry from the Q, in years.


I have way too much and have been giving pieces to my daughters, daughter in law , grand daughters and now my little great grand daughters.


When they first presented Fire Opal in the 90's, I bought quite a few pieces. That is my daughter in laws birthstone. I gave her all my white opal jewelry, a fire opal ring and last year for her Halloween birthday, I gave her fire opal earrings.


I still have a fire opal tennis bracelet, two rings and a set of large trillion shape fire opal earrings and necklace, set in heavy gold. They were a gift from my husband, over 25 years ago, from Lord & Taylor.


We had a great department store, Filene's, where I bought a lot of lovely jewelry, much of it from LeVian, when they had great sales. On vacations, I always got at least one piece to add to the collection.


I have given all my girls their birthstones, but not the three little ones yet. One is garnet and the other two are peridot. I have rings that I will give them when they are old enough to take care of them.


@SportyShorty07  Your pink opal must be gorgeous. That is one stone that I never owned.


  I do have all the gems that both of you mentioned, plus collections of Larimar and Southwest silver and Turquoise

and pearls.


  I'm trying not to be tempted to buy any more, but two years ago, I discovered Creaser Jewelers in Maine and bought gems

that were mined in Maine. The owner cuts stones and designs



  At first, I had him make a pendant with an Aquaprase stone that I got at a gem show. Then I bought amethyst jewelry made from stones that he himself mined in Maine. Such gorgeous, saturated color, like solid grape juice.


R.D.Allen is another Maine jewelry shop where I purchased

a large watermelon tourmaline pendant in gold. It really looks like a slice of watermelon.


When I hear of new discoveries, like Aquaprase and Aquadite,

I just have to get a piece and make something with it.


I'm retired now, so I don't get up everyday and plan my outfits around my jewelry, like I did when I was working. I mostly wear earrings and a caftan, once in a while a necklace.


Only when I go out, do I wear more jewelry. I still love it all

and my girls love all the pieces that I give them.



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@cheriere  Wow!!  That fire opal ring and fire opal tennis bracelet! They're stunning on you Smiley Very HappyHeart!  Wow- that ring is a knock out babe of a ring and I love the story behind it- it was meant to be! Look at the weight of the gold, the diamonds and how they're expertly et into the ring, the magnificent fire opal in all of its glory! And that tennis bracelet with the alternating diamonds and fire opals.  Such beauties! Thank you for sharing Smiley Very HappyHeart

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@cheriere   Your fire opals are beautiful. That is a lovely setting and such substantial gold in your ring. My fire opal ring has the same shape stone, but not even half as much gold. I also have an oval fire opal in a gold Byzantine setting.


 Your bracelet is so pretty with the diamonds and pear shape stones. My bracelet is just oval fire opals.


  Gemstones are such fun, eye candy that is hard to resist.

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Registered: ‎12-01-2023

@Enufstuff    @SportyShorty07 


Thanks so much for your nice comments about my fire opals.  I rely love them.  It sounds like we are a a special little group of gemstone lovers.  I enjoy talking about different stones too.  I love to learn about their legends and backstories.  That makes it fun to collect them.  😊💝