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@zitawins A little heavy handed...where you got the idea the intention was to be "cliquey" is beyond me.  

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@PINKdogWOOD Agree, pricey and going up by the day.  I liked Jai in the beginning but now it looks like almost the same thing over and over with slight tweaks.  Plus, while I don't like heavy oxidation Jai now has none, which for me I find less appealing.  

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I am happy to see some of the old posters still on the board. I miss the good old days when we would watch together and post in real time on the boards. Ripka, RLM, Bixby, Dawkins, Ann King, Pollack, and more. Even the 'squabbles' seem quaint now. Life sure has changed. I'm glad I collected when I could before, and I'm sure I collected more than I should have, but I'm also grateful to have what I do. I am really disappointed that there was no BBSD. 

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@MizKringle    Come visit more often.  They still have jewelry shows but apparently not enough people are buying.  Things have changed drastically.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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@Kachina624  My finances changed as the pandemic wore on and I bought far less jewelry. Now when I look, I don't see very much I'm interested in. Or the pieces I like seem to be overpriced. Or by the time I finally have time to take a look and make a choice, the price has gone back up. It's great to save money, but I miss sharing this with others who have similar interests.

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Yes, I remember the "in real time" posting here during all of the jewelry shows.  Remember when there was any jewelry TSV?  Everyone would gather here to give their two cents on it.


I remember being impressed that I could easily buy a ring or bracelet in my size--without having to go to a jeweler and spend more $$ to have something tailored to me.  It's one thing I enjoy about shopping this way--that, and the online friendships it spurred among people with the same passion for jewelry.



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@MizKringle wrote:

I haven't been on these boards in a very long time, but I am checking in because I was expecting BBSD about this time of year. I am sorry to hear that it's not happening this year. I was expecting to see all silver jewelry at sale prices. What a disappointment. I hope everyone here is well. I recognized five name from the past - sammycat, Kachina, depglass, songbird and faeriemoon. Good to see that you're still posting here. @Sammycat1  @Kachina624  @depglass  @songbird  @faeriemoon 

@MizKringle Welcome back!  I think most of us who have been around a while miss the good old days of all-day jewelry events that featured some really cool and unique things.  I suspect that even if they kept Silver Day, we'd all be on the Jewelry Forum the next day complaining that there wasn't anything "good."  (And that the prices were crazy too!)

~ When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn't become a king. The palace turns into a circus. - Turkish Proverb
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Hello All. Gret to see veteran posters here!


I used to say that the Klondike Gold Rush was my national holiday. Always took a vacation day from work. There were sneak peeks during the week before with the hosts wearing some of the jewelry and promo ads during regular shows. Building the anticipation.


The the excitement started at midnight with the TSV. I almost broke an ankle one year rushing to the phone to order the TSV, a Black Hills Gold ring. All ordering by land line phone, no on-line ordering then.


Looked forward to August 17 all year long. Gold prices were lower then and with EZ pay I was able to purchase a few pieces that day some of which I still wear. Nice designs, nice gram weights.


Yes, I also tried to "vacation" on the January Gold Day (Yukon?) and BBSD and the Crede Silver Strike Day. Not always able to but the VCR (!) was on 24 hours each of those days if I couldn't stay home. I always bought at least one piece usually more. Woman Very Happy



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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

I was on the forums back then and I relate to what everyone has talked about. Good times! One of my fave shows was black hills gold, the jewelry and Jim the vendor with his kooky socks. By the way my nick was Smoochy back then. If anyone remembers

Harmonize the World
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They have so many shoe shows, why not give us, jewelry lovers, at least one regular hour, per week. Yrs ago, it was silver style, on sundays. The could follow it with a hour of Diamonique.  I'm so sick of the food only shows, they could give up an hour or two, some where.


agreed, too much Jai. We need something more affordable.