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Posts: 36,981
Registered: ‎08-19-2010

American West Jewelry having sale

Heads up gals ! Mother's Day & all that.  Some stuff is 20% off, some is 50% off.


I just ordered my 3rd cuff from her. Free shipping, too. 



Got these 2









Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 6,961
Registered: ‎05-22-2014

Re: American West Jewelry having sale

Congratulations @SharkE,  Love the cuff you just ordered.  I have a American West rhodonite dragonfly pendant that I recently bought on QVC at a big sale price.  It’s a BD gift for my GF of 50 years.

She loves jewelry, like people like us, but I can bet she has nothing like it.  The dragonfly is said to be a symbol of the spirit of renewal.  It is a beautiful piece.




Honored Contributor
Posts: 36,981
Registered: ‎08-19-2010

Re: American West Jewelry having sale

She doesn't deal in rhodochrosite just rhodonite not as  pretty a pink as I like in rhodochrosite, but, I can live with it. I'm in  Amarillo,  Tx and she has 2 day shipping (free). she's in Alburqueque (can't spell that 

city, so, hard. LOL New Mexico. So, hardly any wait !


Thing  I like about her cuffs  over others is my wrist is 6 1/2 and her small size goes up to 6 3/4 and boy there's no twist around, slide down, etc.  They're perfection.  I'm not skinny either just have skinny wrists. Her cuffs are worry free.


Should get by Sat.   if ordered from Q would be in 'processing' from today, Wed. till at least Sat. Shipped out Mon and would be week or 10 days to get here. Probably not free shipping , either.


I'm  ordering DIRECT  !

