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my OCD - obsessive-compulsive decorating-disorder - got the best of me last week about the garbage can in my kitchen! i simply could NOT take it anymore. in my next home i will make sure that i have somewhere to hide it - but until then i said if i have to look at it then at least let it look nice! which is my DIY motto!Wink so i painted and stenciled a design on it and it blends in with my kitchen soooo much better!! {#emotions_dlg.thumbup}

 photo photo_zpsfb429c50.jpg

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Registered: ‎06-06-2011

That's cute and looks mod. We have to keep our garbage can under the kitchen sink because our fur babies would have a ball as soon as we left home for an hour or two.

Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea-Robert A. Heinlein
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thanks twopeas!

my yorkie does not bother mine - i guess because it is so much taller than he is and he is afraid of it! but i just got so tired of looking at it in it's previous state all the time! now i don't mind it and even my guys said that was a big improvement!

Honored Contributor
Posts: 20,019
Registered: ‎08-08-2010

That is so awesome! I have a can similar to yours and it is getting pretty old and dated looking. I'd love to do this! It makes it look so high end.

Could you share what you used, and how you did it? I love it!

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Registered: ‎02-06-2014

very nice. look cute

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Registered: ‎10-13-2011

Looks cute.

Some people do drugs. I do shoes....Celine Dion
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Registered: ‎01-01-2014

What a great idea!! It looks very nice.

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On 4/21/2014 mominohio said:

That is so awesome! I have a can similar to yours and it is getting pretty old and dated looking. I'd love to do this! It makes it look so high end.

Could you share what you used, and how you did it? I love it!

hi! of course i don't mind sharing the details!Smile

first - clean then spray the outside of the garbage can with a primer for plastic. my favorite spray paints and primer is the Rustoleum brand.{#emotions_dlg.wub} i use the 2X Ultra Cover flat grey for all my projects. one coat will do.

after the primer is dry - brush on your first coat of paint. choose a light one for your base coat. (i buy lots of left over paints from walmart and home depot so i always have some for these type of projects!) then i used a darker paint and tinted the first one a couple of shades and with a sponge (i used a bath sponge that i found in the closet and cut into chunks! LOL) sponge on your second color. let that completely dry

the last color should be the darkest and again i just tinted the same light base coat with my darkest paint until it was what i wanted. sponge that one on. after it is dry tape your stencil to the garbage can where you want it and use the dark paint to make your design.

after the stencil design has dried spray paint a clear coat of acrylic to the garbage can. i use Krylon's Color Master Clear.

that is it!!{#emotions_dlg.thumbup} the only thing i had to buy was the primer (ran out!) and the clear acrylic (because the one i had was not for plastic) so it was a cheap project!

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010
On 4/21/2014 beachgirl said:

What a great idea!! It looks very nice.

thanks everyone!!!!