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Re: do you use a water filter?

On 10/3/2014 ical said:
On 10/3/2014 aprilskies said: Thanks for bringing this up. I was using a brita but stopped a while ago. I did want to get one for the sink but wasnt sure which one. I, too, think the plastic bottles are such a waste. We probably have a sea of them piled up. Yes, recycling is good, but I dont think they are keep up with the pace from what I hear from a good friend. I can see it too because I am alone and the amount of bottles really adds up so I cant imagine what families are piling up. I want to keep my bottles just for the road. I will look into some of these options. The brita was fine for awhile but I would really like to find one for the sink. My problem is I have a small sink. If I was in a house, I would definitely get the reverse osmosis.

You really should see how wonderful the true statistics are for recycling. Remember, too, that there is a push to get a deposit on all bottles, jars, containers in some areas. Why? Not because people aren't recycling, it is because for each $ that does not go to bottle deposit recovery (and just goes into recycling), that $ goes to the politicians.

There are so many, if not the majority, of towns/cities which have curbside, easy, recycling programs. And they are being used. There is no ignorance of recycling. But there is ignorance to not knowing how brilliant people are at their own personal recycling efforts. So using a plastic bottle for water, and without deposit fee (which it should be), isn't something for which people should be ashamed! IF they are recycling--and mostly all people are recycling their water bottles! So no need for people to hang their heads in shame if they are drinking from a bottle they know they will recycle. And recycling means the bottle lives again, in some other form, which AGAIN will be recycled. Hence, the name: RE-CYCLE. Smile

Edited to change a word.

I have a gorgeous tablecloth, and some other items made from recycled plastic bottles.

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Re: do you use a water filter?

We have had a reverse osmosis system for years. That's basically all I drink so we needed something to filter the water. DH fills up a large jug full of water to put in his refrigerator in his office at work. He was taking bottled water. We buy bottled water when we travel.

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Re: do you use a water filter?

[ Edited ]

Our tap water has been smelling like a combination of seaweed and algae lately. For a few weeks or so. I've been using bottled purified water for all cooking/coffee/etc. with the exception of washing dishes, our hands, showers, baths, etc. .......... UPDATE:  The water is fine now.  Actually, it's been just fine for quite awhile.  It cleared up in a matter of weeks, more or less.

'More or less', 'Right or wrong', 'In general', and 'Just thinking out loud ' (as usual).
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Re: do you use a water filter?

On 10/3/2014 willdob3 said:

No. None of the affordable water filters remove fluoride so I refill gallon jugs of water using a water machine at the grocery store every week. I do not drink or cook with tap water.

Hmmm, I have seen these machines at Whole Foods, I think. I never investigated it. Maybe on my next trip, I will check it out. Sounds like a good solution for me.
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Re: do you use a water filter?

On 10/3/2014 Mochahoney said:

the city system that provides our water is in horrible condition, over a hundred years old and constantly on the verge of breaking down. there are boil water alerts often. that's why we have been buying bottled water. recycling is a great thing, but wouldn't it be a good thing if there was less material that needed to be recycled? thank you all for the responses. now I'm off to do some research on all your suggestions.

If your water is that bad I urge you to look for an actual purifier level filter and not just something like a Brita.

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Re: do you use a water filter?

On 10/3/2014 willdob3 said:

No. None of the affordable water filters remove fluoride so I refill gallon jugs of water using a water machine at the grocery store every week. I do not drink or cook with tap water.

I'm not sure what you consider affordable but my Berkey removes fluoride. We have naturally heavy levels of fluoride in our groundwater. You need the second stage PF-2 filters to do it though.

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Re: do you use a water filter?

Yes I use a Brita filter for my tap water, and fill a canteen that I have with me all the time. I even cook with filtered water. This water around here tastes like chemicals.

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Re: do you use a water filter?

I use a BRITA pitcher, have for several years. I don't know how well it works, just hoping...

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Re: do you use a water filter?

Do you know how bad those plastic bottles are for your health? You should never leave bottles of water in a hot car, it just makes things worse. I use the ZERO water filter products because they are BPA free and also have a bottle I purchased that's BPA free to bring with me when I go out.
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Re: do you use a water filter?

We have a well and use a reverse osmosis at the kitchen sink. I also have a filter in the refrigerator for that water. Very little gets though the membrane of the RO.

They are not expensive and easy to install.