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Registered: ‎10-03-2014

Young Man Is Laid off. Builds Tiny Cabin from scratch.

[ Edited ]

This timelapse video is of Jacob building a very, very small cabin.  He's very clever and talented.  


It's about 24 minutes long, so if you have the time, it really is enjoyable to watch him, his friends, and a dog who helped him.  Well, the dog only made one appearance and didn't do much except run around.  


TIMELAPSE - Young Man Gets Laid off and Builds Tiny House CABIN from scratch. - YouTube



Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 6,602
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Young Man Is Laid off. Builds Tiny Cabin from scratch.

Wow! How talented he is. Thanks for sharing. Nice to watch with my morning coffee. 

Honored Contributor
Posts: 9,235
Registered: ‎06-10-2010

Re: Young Man Is Laid off. Builds Tiny Cabin from scratch.

Enjoyed this so much.  It's nice to see a young man jump in like this and have these skills!