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Whose dining room table has morphed into Gift Wrap Central; just mine?

Disaster area.  Stay away.

~ When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn't become a king. The palace turns into a circus. - Turkish Proverb
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Re: Whose dining room table has morphed into Gift Wrap Central; just mine?

@faeriemoon wrote:

Disaster area.  Stay away.



 Mine too, every year 😝😊

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Re: Whose dining room table has morphed into Gift Wrap Central; just mine?

@faeriemoon wrote:

Disaster area.  Stay away.

I used my husbands pool table this year.  Good thing he has a cover for it.  I used glitter ribbon and it went everywhere!

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Re: Whose dining room table has morphed into Gift Wrap Central; just mine?

My dining room table is OK but one guest room is an absolute MESS! It's full of boxes the Christmas decorations were stored in, gifts in bags and boxes ready to be wrapped, etc. I keep that door closed at all times now LOL.

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Re: Whose dining room table has morphed into Gift Wrap Central; just mine?

@ScrapHappy wrote:

@faeriemoon wrote:

Disaster area.  Stay away.

I used my husbands pool table this year.  Good thing he has a cover for it.  I used glitter ribbon and it went everywhere!


I use glitter ribbon too and the glitter NEVER goes away.

~ When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn't become a king. The palace turns into a circus. - Turkish Proverb
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Re: Whose dining room table has morphed into Gift Wrap Central; just mine?

Nope, I have 2 cats that eat everything in sight (ribbon, tape, tissue paper, etc) so I wrap gifts in my large walk-in closet. Then close the door when I'm done. Woman Happy

"Pure Michigan"
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Re: Whose dining room table has morphed into Gift Wrap Central; just mine?

Am happy to be able to say no to this holiday question.   My one holiday gift purchase was a Hallmark ornament that went in a bag.   My dining room table is usually loaded down with something belonging to everyone here, but it is actually clear today and looking very pretty covered by my new Spode holiday tablecloth.   

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Re: Whose dining room table has morphed into Gift Wrap Central; just mine?

Mine is a disaster area. 


Wouldn't you love a wrapping room........



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Posts: 19,889
Registered: ‎03-14-2010

Re: Whose dining room table has morphed into Gift Wrap Central; just mine?

@RedTop wrote:

Am happy to be able to say no to this holiday question.   My one holiday gift purchase was a Hallmark ornament that went in a bag.   My dining room table is usually loaded down with something belonging to everyone here, but it is actually clear today and looking very pretty covered by my new Spode holiday tablecloth.   


Today you are my hero.  I am envious.

~ When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn't become a king. The palace turns into a circus. - Turkish Proverb
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Re: Whose dining room table has morphed into Gift Wrap Central; just mine?

I use the kitchen table for wrapping and it's too small to have seated four of us when the boys were here.  It's always been the "whatever table",  homework, sewing, crafts, including buffet when needed. 

We eat in the dining room on a five plank wide antique table.  I never enjoyed eating over linoleum.