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My mother was a Queen of Clean; she cleaned anything that could possibly get dirty.  A little of it rubbed off on me and lasted thru my 20's and 30's, and then I'd had enough.  


My house is clean enough that I would open my door to welcome any visitor.  I'm not a hoarder, and my house doesn't smell.  My kitchen and bathrooms are very clean, and there's no reason to be afraid to eat my cooking or drink out of my cups or glasses.   I do suggest you keep your shoes on and leave your white gloves at home, as I will tell you in advance I won't pass the white glove test---even if I know you're coming to visit.   I do not have the desire, or mindset to live in a spotless house.   

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@Sugipine I do the same thing with my brushes and toothbrush holder, does a great job.

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I don't know if others do this, but I clean my dishwasher and washing machine.

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me neither @ID2, & at this stage of my life, I never will..wish I could find the article, but a few years ago, University of Cincinnati, did a study on dirt, dust, etc..they found particles that they determined were over 1000 YEARS old..that made me feel much better about my lack of cleaning skills...

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@Snoopp wrote:

I don't know if others do this, but I clean my dishwasher and washing machine.

Ummmm - don't you think they get clean when you wash dishes/clothes in them?

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On the outside?  I've never seen my agitator reach out and wipe the top in my lifetime!

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@151949 wrote:

@Snoopp wrote:

I don't know if others do this, but I clean my dishwasher and washing machine.

Ummmm - don't you think they get clean when you wash dishes/clothes in them?


Nope! Not always.


Depending on what you wash in them (really dirty clothing and rugs in the washer, or I know a lot of people don't rinse their dishes but put food and everything in the dishwasher), oils, dirt, and residue from various detergents build up in certain areas and sometimes the machines need an empty hot run with bleach at the very least, or even taken apart and cleaned.


We had a washing machine, that was getting old and needed repair. I'm lucky to have one of those husbands that can fix a lot of things. He dismantled the machine to see what was wrong and decide if it was worth fixing (or just buy a new one).


Inside the various parts (some that water your clothing will meet had contact with) were so disgustingly gross, even I couldn't believe it. Gunk and slime and dirt....just awful. When the machine was 'whole' and in regular use, the tub inside looked clean and nice, but the hidden stuff was disgusting. but the softeners, soaps and the dirt and oils coming off the clothing build up in places you don't even know are there!


I'm sure the dishwasher is just as bad.

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@pattypeep wrote:

@Mominohio This thread reminds me of an Erma Bombeck book I read back in the 80's. She talked about "cleaning lint off the refrigerator". I can't remember the context of the statement, but I've never forgotten it. In the same book, she talked about the "chenille bedspread lines across her face" that gave away the fact that she was napping rather that working around the house. I should try and find that book. It really was so funny.



Erma's books are soooooooooooo funny..She was a favorite author of my mom's. When she passed away I inheirited her books and enjoyed reading them. .. I remember one book where she described the wedding of her daughter's Barbie doll.....she said she spent more on that wedding than she did her own....LOL..... 

Animals are reliable, full of love, true in their affections, grateful. Difficult standards for people to live up to.”
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@ID2 wrote:

Yes, I clean a lot of weird things but I'll have to say that I've never washed a wall in my 63 years! My mom never did either, I guess thats why I've never seen anyone do it. Woman Surprised

@ID2  Me either, except where there are marks. The woodwork is a different story, though. I do vacuum the walls with a brush attachment whenever I see those little pesky webs here and there.

Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea-Robert A. Heinlein
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@goldensrbest wrote:

Take a look into your toilet tank.

@goldensrbest I throw a cup or two of bleach in my tank occasionally and let it sit for a couple of hours before flushing. (We have three bathrooms ~ LOL)

Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea-Robert A. Heinlein