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Been organizing and cleaning for weeks now, and doing my usual spring wall washing etc. Made me think of some of the things I clean that I've had others think I am weird to do.


So what do you clean on a regular basis (can be weekly, monthly, yearly or whatever) that you might be the only one doing so?!


I'll start off with cords. Lamp, appliances, whatever. I unplug the item, take a damp cloth and clean the entire length of the cord. It is amazing how dusty/dirty they can get. I do it a couple of time a year. 


Share your weird or unique cleaning ideas!

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Interesting topic and thank you and I don't think what you clean is weird, we need to keep our homes clean.............I know that I was washing my bathroom wall in my new apartmentand washed off the paint so I told my landlord and he brought me paint and brush and I did a good job of repainting it.  lol   He said YOU TOOK IT OF NOW PUT IT BACK ON.  He told a neighbor he has never seen anyone clean like I do but I have atwo paper piles and I don't know what to do with them.

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Interesting topic and thank you and I don't think what you clean is weird, we need to keep our homes clean.............I know that I was washing my bathroom wall in my new apartmentand washed off the paint so I told my landlord and he brought me paint and brush and I did a good job of repainting it.  lol   He said YOU TOOK IT OF NOW PUT IT BACK ON.  He told a neighbor he has never seen anyone clean like I do but I have two paper piles and I don't know what to do with them.

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I don't have any weird cleaning habits....but I am a nut about clutter. I catch myself going thru the house on a more than regular basis to de-clutter.


Am I supposed to wash walls....I sweep the corners and baseboards weekly and around the ceiling, but I don't wash walls.

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I've never been told I'm weird for cleaning my lamp cords (maybe I never told anybody) but somebody thought I was nuts for steam cleaning my washing machine wherever there was lettering in the plastic parts like the agitator with fabric softener dispenser or the bleach dispenser because gunk had built up around the letters.  How else would somebody clean that other than a steam cleaner LOL

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I have some very large home theater speakers. About once a year I take off the speaker covers and dust the actual speaker inside. Then I wipe down the covers with a damp cloth. I can't believe how dirty those speakers get! I know it's my imagination, but I think they sound better after I do this...LOL!Woman LOL

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@In-x-s  Yeah, that gunk in the trays for laundry detergent, .bleach, softeners - a big YUK!!!  These products build up and then grow mold!!!!!


We stopped using fabric softener and DH doesn't like using bleach in his washings.  I pulled out the tray from my washer, got out an old toothbrush to clean it, popped out the individual little compartments for each, scrubbed them and the inside where this tray slides back in.  I also don't use powdered laundry detergent which builds up too.  Only liquid here.  And after we've finished laundry we take out the tray, remove the little compartments shake out eccess H2O and let it all dry out between washings.  It's now very clean always

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@Mominohio This thread reminds me of an Erma Bombeck book I read back in the 80's. She talked about "cleaning lint off the refrigerator". I can't remember the context of the statement, but I've never forgotten it. In the same book, she talked about the "chenille bedspread lines across her face" that gave away the fact that she was napping rather that working around the house. I should try and find that book. It really was so funny.

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Light bulbs and TV remote controls.


When I was young, I laughed at my  mom cleaning the light bulbs in lamps & such but they do get dusty, you breathe in the dust plus dust smells bad.    But now I find myself doing it.    Once I dust/wipe the lamps & lampshades, I wipe the bulb, too.  I clean the overhead fixtures & bulbs too.    The one in the bathroom is NASTY.


It concerns me how dirty the remotes get!    My hands aren't dirty, how does that happen?   I guess I'm dirtier than I think!



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Re: Weird things you clean

[ Edited ]

This is pretty much what I clean. Some daily, some weekly, some monthly and some biannually. Nothing weird that I can think of.


Use this helpful Spring Cleaning Checklist to track your cleaning and mark off items as you go.

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