If I can save just one person from what I've been going through I'll be happy. Well...several months ago I bought a beautiful Eucalyptus wreath from Michaels to hang in my living room. Hated the smell but tolerated it.
About 3 months ago I began seeing little gray moths flying around, sometimes 1 a day, sometimes more. Lately they became more plentiful. I was totally convinced these were some type of Pantry moths (Indian meal moths). Spent many many hours researching them, threw away any food I thought may be the culprit & lost count on how many times I've taken all food from my cabinets, checked it thoroughly, cleaned shelves & put it back. Threw away several spices, just in case.
So here it is 3 months later...took the wreath down, brought it outside & sure enough it's infested with little worms! Eucalyptus is suppose to repel bugs!
I did e-mail Michaels about this problem. Living in such a humid state (FL) may be a contributor but thought I'd warn others. I wouldn't want anyone else to go through this misery! Thankfully I no longer have to worry about bugs in the food, the very thought of it grosses me out!