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Valerie Par Hill window candles

Are we able to purchase replacement parts for Valerie Par Hill window candles?


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Re: Valerie Par Hill window candles

Probably not; QVC doesn't deal in parts.  If the manufacturer is known, you can contact them.  But I think most of VPH's things are made-in-China, no manufacturer name given.

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Re: Valerie Par Hill window candles

Amazon has the replacement lights for the candles . I had to order when I broke one.

" You are entitled to your opinion. But you are not entitled to your own facts."
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Re: Valerie Par Hill window candles

@Obxluv what replacement parts are you referring to? If you mean bulbs, QVC sells them. Item #: H206401 on sale for $13.65


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Registered: ‎03-11-2010

Re: Valerie Par Hill window candles

I wondered about the China thing. Thanks!