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Registered: ‎11-08-2014

Re: Unassuming Cottage is Holiday Ready...

Even though I couldn't take this much "wall stimulation",  this charming cottage is much preferable to me than the red and white dining room thread.


It has the evidence of real personality and warmth--  love the burnished leather chesterfield, and the ranks of books. Just an adorable sitting room, in the English tradition of 'more is more'.   I'd simply have a bit less on the coffee table, and maybe would dispense with the strict window pelmet or valence, keeping just the curtains.  But that's just personal taste.


I believe they went overboard in the dining room, but that's an easy fix too.  You could either retain the mural, and ditch the porcelain on the wall, or vice versa.  Remove all the small pictures from the gallery wall, and voila, things are much calmer.  Very cute room then, and the chairs are lovely.