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it's someone dear to you and they are stopping by your home in 30 minutes (as opposed to business appointment, or someone distant that you would rather put off till later). You look around and things aren't 'guest ready'.


What do you do in those 30 minutes to be comfortable throwing open that door in a half hour and genuinely welcoming in those folks? Do you have a priority list of things that you want done to feel your house is acceptable (floors, kitchen counters cleared and dishes done, or a quick dust cloth in the main room)? 


If the answer is nothing, they can love me and my home as it is, that is a great answer, but please, no "I wouldn't let them come, or it's rude to come on short notice" because this is a situation where these are people you want to come, and you've actually already said yes!

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My answer is to create the illusion of clean, even when it might not be. Pick up and put away anything that is out of place. Even if it means hiding dirty dishes in the oven, tossing throws and magazines and dog toys into storage ottomans or the floor of the coat closet.


Just create a tidy look. Then if there is more time, floors and always that the guest bath is neat and ready.

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It would be happy to see them and if it me as the guest I would not care.  I came to see you not your house.


Enjoy your friends!

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We rarely have dirty dishes out, except for maybe a glass or coffee cup in the sink. But I would quickly wipe crumbs off the counter tops, throw any living room clutter into the spare room and shut the door. Wipe up any obvious drips on the kitchen floor. Our powder room is usually pretty clean in case they have to use the bathroom. That should do it. Maybe start a pot of coffee.


That being said, I HATE drop ins!

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Re: The phone rings......

[ Edited ]

Anyone dear to me would know that my home is my private place of refuge from all people and the reason why so they wouldn't call.  If anyone was so bold as to call knowing this - well  I would just tell them that and offer to meet them somewhere for desert or a meal.  

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I learned long ago to keep the house ready enough.  Always.  Much less stress and more welcoming.

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Comb my hair, refresh my lipstick, stuff paper clutter in the oven, then plug in the vac and stand it in the middle of the room. 

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Re: The phone rings......

[ Edited ]

My home is pretty much always ready to greet people.  I say that not in a bragging way -- I'm home all day and cleaning is my passion!  The dogs may knock the throw pillows off the sofa or have some toys strewn about, but that's a quick and easy fix.  


I guess I would make sure my bathroom is clean and towels are hung neatly.



edited to add:  I'd be more concerned about how I look.  I'm not always as put together as my home.  I'd probably change my clothes and put on a little make up!

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The guest bath would be first on my list then just do a quick pick up and maybe a quick dusting and vacuum. 

My house is very open and when you walk in the front door you can see a large portion of the house.  I try and keep it up to snuff as much as possible. 

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@Pook  Even thought I keep a clean toilet I always feel compelled to hit it with lysol bowl cleaner one more time before company comes over.  If they are dear to me they will likely forgive a less than perfect looking house.

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise