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I went to a friend's house last week.  It's twice the size of mine and just she and her husband live in it.  It's very clean, but there is so much stuff in it that she can only use the kitchen, living room, bathrooms and one of the bedrooms.  Everything else is full of stuff - not in a dirty way like the "Hoarders" show, but full of stuff nevertheless.  The first thing she said to me was, "I have a little problem with buying things".  


I'm not judging her - we all have our issues.  Here's what surprised me, though.  She wanted to know where I got the Lock-n-Lock pie taker that I'd brought with me. I told her QVC. She said she'd never watched it or bought anything from QVC.  I immediately shut up about it, because I didn't want to turn her on to something new. Her DH has confided in mine that he's hesitant to leave town for any period of time because she "goes shopping".  That must be a hard habit to break.







~ house cat ~
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What did your friend say when you told her you were going to write a post about her, her home, her shopping habits & what her husband confided to yours? 

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@kitcat51 wrote:

What did your friend say when you told her you were going to write a post about her, her home, her shopping habits & what her husband confided to yours? 

I sense snarkasm.

~ house cat ~
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I think some people just don't realize how much stuff they have purchased and they get things and then forget what they have gotten and the next thing they know they are being taken over by things. It is really hard for them to go through stuff and just clear out and purge. So they just keep getting more. I think all of us do it to some degree such as lipstick, purses, etc. For others it is in every thing. It is sad when this happens because they aren't enjoying anything they have bought.

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No. You're right. She clearly was concerned about her problem and not enjoying her stuff.  It makes me sad that I can't help, but I'm wise enough to know that I can't.  It's between her and her husband to deal with.

~ house cat ~
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Everbody's got something. Noone is perfect.  A good thing is that your friend does have awareness.  That's always a good first step.

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Has she always hoarded? 


My friend’s wife is a major hoarder. He thinks she can change but after decades, he’s fooling himself. She spends $500 a month on storage units on top of totally filling their house and her car. It’s a sickness 

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@PhilaLady1 wrote:

Everbody's got something. Noone is perfect.  A good thing is that your friend does have awareness.  That's always a good first step.


That's for sure!  If she ever should ask me for help, I'll tell her for every pound of blubber I shed, she'll have to give up so much of her stuff.  I don't hoard things, but being overweight is a type of hoarding in itself.

~ house cat ~
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@kitcat51...this is an anonymous chat board....I do not see an issue

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Re: Stuff-ocation!

[ Edited ]

@house_cat I don't see anything wrong in you speaking of this, but i hope she does not know that you are on this chat forum.She might not feel that way.

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