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Poo-pourri..curious far ahead can it be sprayed..?

TMI alert, but I am curious!!!


Hubby tends to stink up the bathroom pretty badly. Actually, the entire upstairs, and even sometimes creeping downstairs. How far 'ahead of time' can poo-pourri be sprayed..? He does not see the 'need' for it, and I do not want to always run into the bathroom when he is about to 'go'..(oh, the visual alone of that..eeek!!)


Can I spray it say an hour or so ahead of time, will it still be effective..? 

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Re: Poo-pourri..curious far ahead can it be sprayed..?

Sometimes I will spray Poo Pouri just as a preventive measure.  I think the spray creates a barrier which will remain until the next time you flush.

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Re: Poo-pourri..curious far ahead can it be sprayed..?

Wow!  I would just try it.  Spray it a few times in the bowl before he gets in there. Honestly, if the smell is that bad I doubt the product would even work as it is intended.  I would get a divorce Woman LOLWoman Very HappyWoman TongueWoman Frustrated

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Re: Poo-pourri..curious far ahead can it be sprayed..?

@MezzieStarr bail too easy.

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Re: Poo-pourri..curious far ahead can it be sprayed..?

It's an oil so it should remain on the surface of the water until it's flushed.  I'd definitely spray it as a preventative measure!  If nothing else, it will release a pleasant fragrance ahead of time.  You have my sympathy.  (Maybe something in his diet is causing this?  Or some medication?)

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Re: Poo-pourri..curious far ahead can it be sprayed..?

@msh8970 ~ poor you😷  I think spraying ahead might help, but not like when it is used right before.  If I were you, I'd certainly give it a try.  Hopefully, your husband will be understanding and cooperate.

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Re: Poo-pourri..curious far ahead can it be sprayed..?

I have sprayed ahead for the guys in my house. They don't seem to understand the concept and I can't get them to use it, so I spray whenever, and it does help to just have it pre done. 

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Re: Poo-pourri..curious far ahead can it be sprayed..?

[ Edited ]

I have poo-pourri and another product called Just a Drop (you can purchase at Wal-Mart for about $4 or $5.  I always forget to use it ahead of time.  I usually just use matches and that works very well.  Of course, you can't take matches with you into a public restroom or on the airplane.

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Re: Poo-pourri..curious far ahead can it be sprayed..? what a comical post but girl I feel you. I always know after hub has gone. I constantly tell him, would you please open a window, it's like living with a farm animal! He has to laugh himself actually because of course, I have to embellish. 

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Re: Poo-pourri..curious far ahead can it be sprayed..?

[ Edited ]

@bmorechick wrote: what a comical post but girl I feel you. I always know after hub has gone. I constantly tell him, would you please open a window, it's like living with a farm animal! He has to laugh himself actually because of course, I have to embellish. 

I almost spit my coffee out of my nose!  That is so funny - I read it to my DH and he LOL'd too!  I'll be laughing for a day or so about it!  Ps..My DH is awful too.  What we girls put up with!