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I do not like any type of head -- no matter what material.  It always has bothered me.


But that wreath is such a cool idea.  You have given me something to think about.  A totally new way to display plates.  Thanks!!

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Very unique!  Like it a lot!

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Not a fan of plates other than on a table or hutch etc....not on walls.

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Re: Plates as a Wreath

[ Edited ]

Its too much, too many plates, overdone.


I like this more informal display.



New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Eh. I'm on the fence. Blue and white dishes are a favorite and the wreath is pretty but it's a bit over the top.

In my pantry with my cupcakes...
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I think it works.....if you were selling plates.

~ To Know, To Dare, To Will, To Remain Silent ~
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I’m not loving it.
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Very dramatic and unusual.  I would eliminate the deer head and seriously cull the number of plates.  I do love blue and white plates and have a tiny collection.  I have an arrangement of plates hung on my DR wall but pathetic compared to this wreath.