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Packing up a cluttered house....

I sometimes look at houses online that are for sale in my hometown. I know everyone has there own style and what makes them comfortable and happy.


I saw an older colonal that was very pretty until I looked at the slideshow. It will take the owners forever to empty that house.  There is so much furniture in each room and every wall is covered with pictures, plaques, or a mirror. Bedrooms walls are the same. I counted 16 pictures on 1/2  of a bedroom. The kitchen has pics and plates on the wall, tops of upper  cabinets have collectables all the way around. It made me jumpy just looking at all of it. I would not know where to start.  I admit I've got stuff but I have walls that are visible and some clear surfaces.  I know, to each their own, but it was overwhelming. It's really a pretty house once you look past the stuff.


Would it take you long to pack up your house to move?


Oh,there were a couple of packed china cabinets that looked like small figurines that will all have to be wrapped and packed.

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Re: Packing up a cluttered house....

It would take me a while to pack my house.  Not cause it's cluttered but the size. I think about that a lot because one day I would like to down size to a smaller home that has one level.

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Re: Packing up a cluttered house....

That's what auctioneers are for.

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Re: Packing up a cluttered house....

I could do it in a week or so. There is stuff I wouldn't take and would give away or just toss. The worst would be the kitchen because it's size. I did chuck alot and gave dishes etc. to my nieces last fall.

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Re: Packing up a cluttered house....

Yes.  I'm trying to do that now.  It's hard to even figure out where to start.  But, I'm a terrible packer!  Don't even like to pack for a weekend, let alone a move.

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Re: Packing up a cluttered house....

There were probably some nice things there but it was so much that you couldn't concentrate on one thing.

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Re: Packing up a cluttered house....

I'm surprised that the Real Estate agent would not have recommended removing some of the stuff off the walls before taking the pics???


I live in a small house and the thought of packing it up is daunting.

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Re: Packing up a cluttered house....

I should add that we moved my mother to assisted living last year.  A big downsizing for her, and major job to get the house sold for me.  My sister took some, I took some, and my brother took a lot.  Because I'll be making a big move, I packed what I was taking very carefully, and now have some of it in boxes in my dining room.  And some other things that I'll use for packing materials in my foyer.  And some other stuff, that I'm not sure what I'll do with, is on the dining room table.  And, then I have my sewing/craft/basement room.  That's the worst.   It's just too much.

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Re: Packing up a cluttered house....

It wouldn't take us too long. We have lived in our current home for 29 years, however we weed through things and get rid of things at least twice a year....We do not have stuff we are not using or going to use......So packing up would be work based on everything that we have, but it wouldn't be clutter....


I think what happens more often than not, is that people hang on to things they aren't using or going to use, and it just keeps accumulating. My husband says if you haven't used it, you probably wont' use it, toss it!


For me, it is really hard to get rid of my books....I love to read, and now that all of our Used Book Stores have closed, there doesn't seem to be anyplace to take them to other than GoodWill and Salvation Army....But plan on going through them in the next week, and getting rid of a lot of them.

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Re: Packing up a cluttered house....

I am in the process of leaving a home like that. It is not my home and I thought when this person moves it will take about “50 years” to get out and another 50 to get it ready for sale! 😧🤭😳