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Our cat somehow got out and has been gone for about a week. I've look for him everywhere every day and have put up some signs, but after this long I'm doubtful he's coming back. We've had him for about 7 years or so. I got him when he was 5 weeks old. Has anyone had a cat come home after that long?

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Sorry for the typos. I tried to edit and it wouldn't let me.

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Hi collie! I'm C&Ping a reply I wrote to a poster awhile back on the Pet Forum. I hope you'll find it useful.


Hi there. I can imagine just how you feel, as I've been there too. It's crushing to lose your kitty!

In my lifetime, his has happened to me twice, & both times I got my cat back. I pray that you will too.

For what it's worth, this is what I've learned:

A lost dog & a lost cat behave differently. Dogs will run, & the more frightened & confused they are, the more & further they'll run. They can cover some distance, poor things!

With a cat, barring a violent attack (coyote, raccoon, fox, etc.), or someone picking the cat up & physically taking them, a lost cat is ALMOST ALWAYS trapped somewhere VERY close by; a garage, a basement, etc. Cats do NOT travel far, so if your cat is lost, ask every single neighbor to open their garage & their basement to let you call to the kitty. Insist, in a neighborly way, of course.

FindToto is a site that works as an Amber Alert for lost pets. They use a calling system similar to those used for emergency broadcasts. The size of the 'package' you buy, dictates how broad an area the alert will be sent to. Unfortunately, they only call land lines - not cell phones. Should you choose to go that route, I would select the smallest area, since cats stay close to home.

List the lost pet on your local Craig's List lost pet forum, but also list the pet in all surrounding counties.

Call every single humane society, animal pound & shelter - not only in your immediate area, but those beyond, & visit them, if possible. In addition, most of these places have email addresses. Email a description of the lost pet & a picture, if possible. They are WONDERFUL people & a great resource which is there to help!

Make fliers & stuff every singe mailbox & post on car windshields for as many blocks as you can, & ask area businesses if you can post a flier in their window.

My 1st missing cat was found locked in a neighbor's basement, 2 houses up from me. She was there for 3 weeks, poor baby! The couple who lived there were in the military, & on the day my cat went missing, they had opened up their basement doors & were putting their patio furniture away, because they were going away. When they returned after 3 weeks, they found my cat in their cellar. I was beside myself to have her back!

My 2nd kitty was found after 4 days, locked inside a neighbor's garage, just 2 houses down from me. I could see that garage from my kitchen window. The homeowner swore there was no cat in there, but I begged him to unlock the door, & ...there was my kitty!

BTW, FindToto was a hoot! I had neighbors saying 'We got your alert last night!', so they DO make those calls.

Good luck! I'll be thinking of you.

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Yes - and mine was a black Persian. Contact local shelters and veterinarians. Put out food and a piece of your clothing or blanket that smells like home. Make flyers with photo if possible and offer a reward. Speak with all the neighbors you can (mine showed up on a neighbor's patio one day - didn't get her then but knew the general area she was in). Speak to people walking their dogs - mine was eventually "spotted" by a dog walker who called and told me where she saw her. Neighborhood kids will do anything for $50, so make sure they all know about the reward. Good luck and please let us know.

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Does it have a chip? Maybe somebody will find it and they can trace it back to you.

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Over the years I had two cats go missing for about 4 days. Different house and cat, but they were both locked in the neighbors cellar. They must have been snooping around and went in, then the door shut. One cat I would go out in the back yard and call the cat several times a day. Then one day I heard what I thought was meowing. I ran to the neighbors house and the meowing got louder and louder. The door wasn't locked. I opened it and out ran the cat. Similar story with a different cat. Think of the not so obvious places. I never thought to look in my neighbors cellar. Good luck finding your kitty.

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My DD's cat came back after 10 days. Hope you find your cat.

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My mother's cat was missing for a month and returned, a little ratty looking but fine.

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PLEASE check the city pound immediately. If they picked him up, there might be a euthanize date of one week, depending on the capacity of their facilities. Or he could just be wandering around the neighborhood...and he'll be back on your doorstep tonight! Sending your good karma your way!

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Registered: ‎10-14-2011

Don't give up yet. My cousin's cat went missing one day, in New Mexico. We were all sure he got eaten by a coyote ... and six months later, he showed up on the doorstep, dirty, and meowing to get in! He was not thin, so someone somewhere fed him for a while ... a true mystery!