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Oh ladies, I think I'm done with decisions and something else pops up

How come the smallest things create the biggest problems. I really want an appliance garage (I know kinda outdated but I'm still getting one!) Originally I wanted it in a corner like most are....mine will have a door on it not the up/down accordian thing.

One corner is between stove/sink....not a huge area but I think it would be OK. The construction guy and designer think that is the most usable space in kitchen because when you take stuff out of oven. The other corner is a huge counter top (81") and I'm not sure I really want to give any of that up....Nice place to put canisters, food for parties, etc.

Guy suggested yesterday I should put it left of stove but guess it has to be 9" away from heat I have room to move it down but now it would be under glass cabinets with apothecary drawers under glass cabinets then the appliance garage.

What does everyone think that would look like?

You guys have been so helpful, I feel like I should invite everyone for a party after it is done!! Smiley Happy

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Re: Oh ladies, I think I'm done with decisions and something else pops up

We have a slide out shelf that holds our toaster and food processor. The toaster is behind the food processor, but easy to get to. The contractor was all hot to put a pop out for the mixer like the one in the link below, but I wanted on the countertop for convenience. You usually have lots of things around the mixer when you use it and if it was going to throw flour, I wanted it on the countertop NOT the floor.

Also, the toaster and food processor are uglier than the mixer and need to be hidden.

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Re: Oh ladies, I think I'm done with decisions and something else pops up

Without seeing your kitchen layout, I can't tell which would make more sense. I've never been good at visualizing things from descriptions. I would suggest, though, that you think about how you will use it and how far away it is from the supplies (coffee, bread, etc) and the table because you don't mention what you will store in it.

Sooner, the house I bought has one of the pop-up shelves like you linked and I find it useless. What they don't tell you is how hard it is to put away, how cords get kinked behind it, how it blocks the walkway when it is extended and, as you mentioned, how frustrating it is to have limited counter space next to it. I knew it wouldn't work for my stand mixer, so I keep my food processor on it. However, when I use my food processor, I move it onto the counter. What I would find more useful would be a pop-up electrical outlet on my island. That would be awesome.


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Registered: ‎03-15-2010

Re: Oh ladies, I think I'm done with decisions and something else pops up

Sooner, I thought about one of those but decided the mixer is so heavy and like you said, you make a mess so I want that on counter. I think I'm going with more drawers than bottom cabinets.

Marsha, that outlet is pretty neat - have never seen anything like that. I'm a very visual person....need to see it in person. I'm to the point where I've told them just get it done - and I'm sure I will be OK with it - I'll find someplace to put stuff.

I think I've made my decision though to put garage in the corner between stove/sink. If I don't have enough room to put hot things on stove or by appliance garage....I will have a long counter to the left. I'll just have to get used to moving left instead of right.