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Posts: 157
Registered: ‎06-27-2011

New BBW Candles - A Tour of Italy

I saw a new line of 7 candles in BBW today named A Tour of Italy. They were available in the mini size and 3 wicks. Here they are, in descending order of preference based on a quick sampling -

Sicilian Citrus - the candle was orange in color but I got no smell of anything.

Bellini Cafe - a faint smell of grape.

Gelato - strawberries and raspberries, pleasant.

Limoncello - very nice but nothing you haven't smelled before at BBW.

Villa Bergamot - good, comfortable smell that resembles a man's cologne.

Espresso Cafe - one of my two favorites. This one packed a punch unlit. This is no coffee diluted with cream scent, but full on espresso. If it smells this strong lit, I can imagine that it might be a bit overpowering but I cannot wait to try it.

Tuscan Herb - my favorite of the bunch. The radiant smell of a summer garden. I will absolutely be purchasing.

Also, the new one at Yankee Candle, Summer Scoop, is fantastic. The smell, not of strawberries, but strawberry ice cream. As realistic a scent as I have come across.