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Need opinion on white nightstand

Does a white nightsnd look ok with this stand. I am not going to be able to match this wood in the tv stand.4E3D0686-201C-4B76-BA5E-DEBD860F0146.png

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Re: Need opinion on white nightstand

Here is my bedding and headboard.19D6FD37-E9D1-4F80-99DF-FD55A633B8E2.jpeg

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Re: Need opinion on white nightstand

The style is definitely different. If you are ok with that, I wouldnt worry about the woods being different. Matchy matchy is a little dated, anyway. I like both pieces, but I am not sure I would use them together becuase the styles seem very different....but that is just me.

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Re: Need opinion on white nightstand

[ Edited ]

Modern nightstand, and the other is more rustic. If that's your personality, go for it.

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Re: Need opinion on white nightstand

Don't love the styles together. Can you use the tv stand in another room and start from scratch?  The tv stand is highly stylized. 

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Re: Need opinion on white nightstand

I really don’t like them together .... not only are they two different “woods” but, they are completely different styles which, to me don’t go together 😉

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Re: Need opinion on white nightstand

Sure-why not? 

It's your bedroom. The only rule for that room is that you like it and it works in your space. Nice that no one else has to approve of your choice. 

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Re: Need opinion on white nightstand

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Re: Need opinion on white nightstand

Don't like them together, but if it does not bother you go for it.

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Re: Need opinion on white nightstand

They don't clash, and if I saw your room with everything in it, I wouldn't think anything of it. However, since you asked for opinions, you might consider a more straight-lined style like this one. Somehow a style like this seems more coherent to me--even more serene. It could be white or wood or even one of the colors on your bed and still fit in well--just my personal take though!


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