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I think these owls are in Jills' show this afternoon at 2PM. I typed in YHJ and these came up!!

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Registered: ‎07-30-2014
I saw similar mercury glass owls on the shelf of the Xmas section at HL today. The bases were large and open enough to fit a battery pack with a string of timer lights. They would look better than VPH's with that ugly yellow flame she uses in them.
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Registered: ‎03-13-2010

Well got them today and they are a nice size but the large one seems a little lighter than the smaller 2. And there is only 1 small light in each. I don't think it is very bright. I got an owl that is the same from Target last fall but, wide opening on the bottom and put a battery op candle in it and it is brighter than these. Let down, wish they had better light in them. May just send back.

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On 8/4/2014 yellowkitty said:

Well got them today and they are a nice size but the large one seems a little lighter than the smaller 2. And there is only 1 small light in each. I don't think it is very bright. I got an owl that is the same from Target last fall but, wide opening on the bottom and put a battery op candle in it and it is brighter than these. Let down, wish they had better light in them. May just send back.

I was just going to post the same thing. I did not order these but I did find them at Target last year and TJ Maxx also had them in many colors. You can just pop off the felt piece on the bottom and either put a flameless candle in them or a strand of lights. They will be much brighter than these I know for sure.

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Thank you yellowkitty for posting your review. I also saw Jill's video and the owls looked so cute but didn't appear very bright. Such a shame! They would be such a hit with candles in them like the HR gourd and pumpkin. Those are really pretty and well lit!

Posts: 38
Registered: ‎04-19-2010
I got my chocolate owls today. I think they are nice and bright on my mantel. They where painted just right to see the light all the way to the top. I'm very happy with them. Glad i picked the chocolate ones.
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Registered: ‎03-13-2010

Glad you liked your Owls, Susan 19 . The large owl had a big I guess unpainted spot on the side top of his face ! If this was on the back it would have been ok but than one little owl the same way and the light looked funny just on the bottom. Enjoy them!