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Maytag washing machine - NEVER AGAIN !

[ Edited ]

I purchased a top of the line Maytag washing machine in July 2019.  I purchased the extended warranty .  It leaked from the beginning. I had 2 repairs done on it ..still leaked.  I called the customer service line, several times back and forth...over the last 8 months. Finally, I was told I was going to be getting a new machine, to be delivered today.  Guess what?  The machine arrived by J.B. Hunt carriers - and the whole front of the machine was mashed in !  So now, they  have to order ''another one'' !  I called customer service to complain and was told there was nothing they could do about it.  So , meanwhile, I'll have to keep mopping the water up out of the floor...which by the way, is getting heavier in the amount leaked.  I am beside myself !  I am at the mercy of the Maytag/Whirlool company and they aren't helping me one bit !!  

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Re: Maytag washing machine - NEVER AGAIN !

Sounds like you got a lemon and that the customer service is awful. I had my Maytag washer & dryer for 23 yrs. Just replaced them with Speed Queen. It hasn't been all that wonderful with them either. 

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Re: Maytag washing machine - NEVER AGAIN !

Tell them you are taking your wash to the laundromat and sending them the bill.


By laundromat  I mean the one that does it all for you ,you just drop it off and pick it up later all washed,dried and folded.

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Re: Maytag washing machine - NEVER AGAIN !

Shame on delivery company for even bringing it to your house.  If you can see the smash - they certainly can too.

Posts: 58
Registered: ‎12-25-2014

Re: Maytag washing machine - NEVER AGAIN !

So sorry you are having problems with Maytag.  They have never been anybody I want to deal with.  I have LG appliances and Kenmore Elite and never had a problem with either. The only thing I have ever had to do is put a compression fitting on the drain because the washer drains faster than most.  The fitting regulates the water going out.  Hope your problem. is taken care of soon.

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Re: Maytag washing machine - NEVER AGAIN !

Appliances have become such a pain lately. I'm limping my Whirlpool W/D along for as long as I can. At 15 years, they have exceeded the span of most newer ones.

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Re: Maytag washing machine - NEVER AGAIN !

@sarahpanda so sorry for the issues you're having.  We had a Speed Queen for over 30 years and it ran like a champ.  Replaced it with a Maytag; big mistake.  That thing was horrible.   Timer didn't work, so, if I wasn't there when the cycle finished, it just started over again.  The belts kept going, the timer was replaced 3 times.  And, service was a joke.  We finally replaced it with a LG machine, and, knock on wood, it's been good.


I hope you get your machine in good working order soon.  It's a big deal when your washer is on the fritz.

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Re: Maytag washing machine - NEVER AGAIN !

You really can't blame Maytag. All appliances are horrible nowadays. We just got a new Maytag washer and dryer in January. Fingers crossed...they are pretty fantastic! My Samsungs were horrible and only lasted 6 years. 

"Pure Michigan"
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Re: Maytag washing machine - NEVER AGAIN !

I am on borrowed time with my Kenmore pair that were original to my home in 1999. As basic as you can get, no computer anything, which no doubt is why they are still going strong.

In my previous home I had a Maytag front loader that I bought new. Loved it, but that was about 10 years ago.

When one of my pair goes I will replace both, but I have no earthly idea with what. Probably the pair with the most basic functions and fewest bells & whistles that I can find.

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Re: Maytag washing machine - NEVER AGAIN !

I understand your frustration perfectly.  DH and I bought a Maytag wahser and dryer about ten years ago.  We had problems with both within months of our purchase. I will never buy Maytag products again either.