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I live in a townhome community and our lawns are taken care of by an outside lawn/garden company.  Every week they proceed to park all their trucks in front of the building I live at.  They then unload all their equipment and often start filling the equipment with gas and oil that they carry in portable containers.


Of course, the gas and oil spill all over the road area in front of our building and curbside in front of my driveway.  I guess this doesn't bother some people, but it bothers me because its become an unsightly mess.  Oil and gas are forever staining the frontage area of our building.  Not only do they spill the oil when filling their equipment, but the large trucks also leave large oil spills about 2ft. around in circles all over.


I've written our HO management company about this and they said they would let the owner of the company know.  But it just goes on - every week - and I've spoken to the workers when I notice them pouring the gas and oil and spilling it all over the place.  They either ignore me or do not understand what I am trying to say. 


Would this bother you?  I pay big bucks here in HOA fees monthly and the place looks terrible.  There are just large oil spots all over the road area in front of our building.  What else can I do?

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Re: Lawn Maintenance Workers

@jellyBEAN  Yes, it would bother me.  

~Jersey Girls don't pump gas~
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Re: Lawn Maintenance Workers

Does your community have a board of directors or a civic association? If so find out when they meet and go in person and state your problem.

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Re: Lawn Maintenance Workers

Speak to your HOA, I am in a large garden apt complex, and the lawn people use gas powered leaf blowers and I can smell the fumes on my second floor window

Stop being afraid of what could go wrong and start being positive what could go right.
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Re: Lawn Maintenance Workers

Yes, it would bother me.

~ When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn't become a king. The palace turns into a circus. - Turkish Proverb
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Re: Lawn Maintenance Workers

@jellyBEAN Yes, it would bother me.  Yes, I'd notify management more than once.  Yes, I'd write to my board members.  And yes, I'd talk with my neighbors to see if anyone else is upset enough to so the same.

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Re: Lawn Maintenance Workers

Yes, it would bother me too. Have you sent photos of the stains to the management company?  A picture says a thousand words, as they say.  Failing that, I think you'll have to bring the issue before the Board.

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Re: Lawn Maintenance Workers

Yes it would bother me. Keep copies of all letters sent to the management company. Contact the HOA board of directors and request to meet with them in person in front if your home  ASAP. Take pictures of the oil stains and keep it up. Ask that they demand that the landscape company pressure wash the street and curbs in front of you home. And request that the HOA let the management company know that the landscapers not park and unload their equipment in front of your home.  If you do not live in a gated community and the streets are publicly owned contact the city or county and let them know about this. Good luck!

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Re: Lawn Maintenance Workers

@jellyBEAN   No, it probably wouldn't bother me. Do you call HOA for them to send someone to clean it up when it happens?Or call property management? 

Have you tried taking pictures and sending to the HOA?

Whatever gets you through the night; it's alright, it's alright. It's your money or your life; it's alright, it's alright---John Lennon
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Re: Lawn Maintenance Workers

[ Edited ]

First and foremost, document all written correspondence and phone calls.  Next, take pics if you can.  Next, CALL your management company as it's happening.  Tell them you are with the landscape workers and you want to speak to the owner of the landscaping company.  Tell

management you will be withholding a part of your monthly maintenance charges until the problem is corrected.  If you haven't done so already, write a letter to the HOA BOD with copies to each and every member.  Tell them you expect a reply by a certain date.  Don't know if you want to go this far, but you can get a petition going if you think your neighbors are as upset as you are.  Finally, if the gas is being spilled and winding up in the soil or in drainage basins of some type, that might be an environmental problem.  You can call your county office to lodge a complaint.  I would tell management you're reporting them to the county.